Son bought his first car.....



Utube channel 318willrun
FABO Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
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He worked and saved every dime.... now he is excited just like we all were on that day.

Good choice in the modern world of cars.

I like your style of parenting, you sound like my adoptive dad who taught me the satisfaction of working and owning your own things.

I am sure he will take good care of it.

Future classic right there. :)
And great choice of colors!!! Seriously, nicely done. It means more if you earn it and he'll be more likely to take care of it.
The rewards are sweeter when you have struggled to earn them. I'm sure he is excited and proud to own the fine car he worked so hard to get.

Well done young man, you deserve all the joy owning it brings!

He worked and saved every dime.... now he is excited just like we all were on that day.

You should be more than proud. Great job Dad on instilling in him to work & save!! Very cool car he chose for a 1st car :thumbsup:
So not even 36 hours into owning it, we get hail last night bigger than quarter size. It now has hail dings (not all that noticeable) on the hood, and a couple on the trunk. He is bummed.....

Sorry to see that....ugh. I bet he's crushed :BangHead:

Ask around for a recommendation of a Dent Repair Company in your area or talk with the insurance company.
Check and see if they have a paint less dent removal person in your area.Friend of mine had dents taken out and did not have to do any painting.Could not believe it but they did it
Needless to say my Pontiac, Ram, Corolla, and Caravan all had some damage, my Pontiac taking the worse....
But we've not had hail damage his whole life, and it comes as soon as he buys his car.
Oh, well, his car had the least of the damage, and still shows very well :)
just come to Colorado ....hail damage is normal to see around, golf ball size isn't off the table around here too.

but seriously, hail damage can be fixed....just a story to put in his history book to tell of years from now :)
just come to Colorado ....hail damage is normal to see around, golf ball size isn't off the table around here too.

but seriously, hail damage can be fixed....just a story to put in his history book to tell of years from now :)
yeah, certainly not the end of the world..... LOL ! If it would have happened 6 months down the road, ya know, but right away? Just after watching him save for 8 months working all the hours he could (no borrowing, cash only) for a specific car and see this happen right away, well, I felt for him.