Sparo - anyone know this car?



Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2005
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Ottawa, Ontario
Anyone familiar with this car? I believe it's called a Sparo.

I'm trying to determine what, if anything, it might be worth. Someone I know is looking to dispose of it, and being the helpful man I am, I might be in the market if the price is right (which I think it is). I'm also wondering where it might come from. I think it might be Italian. Sparo is Italian for "shot".

Any and all comments welcome....thanks!

also look's liks somthing ''Singer'' made 3 piston job
I seen somthing like this in lakeland Fla. a paraid car for sunkist
OldVart said:
I'm with Mike on the "Singer" you put gas in it, or just thread the needle? :)

Your so funny!!.another good one from the old#art :argue:
i don't know what it is, but if it's for sale and
you don't end up buying it i might be interested.
pm me you want.
i think it's a cool car.
There's a company out of Montreal that makes a motorcycle with a car front end, it reminds me of that, but the Montreal ones are much cooler looking. Maybe an earlier version?

I don't have all the details yet, but a girl I know forwarded me this photo and asked if I'd be interested. She works at our National Science and Technology museum and a client wanted to donate this car, but the museum doesn't want it because it's not Canadian built, so she's trying to broker it for the guy. I hope he's not reading this!
i drove a similar three wheeler powered by a 1000 kawasaki.
it did the burnouts,360's and power slides on command.
it was fun on steroids. :thumbup:
Finding nebo :prayer:
Soooo funny I just about feel out of my chair.
Suregrip391 :hello1: and keep'em commin
Wow..good find! Now I want it! I hope they get back to me with all he details...
the electric car at the bottom of the 3404speed's web find
is a citicar.
i sold mine 2 yrs. ago to a battery com. in delaware,ohio.
it was a 73 model.
my computer crashed about a 2 weeks ago it's being repaired now
if they can save my pictures i'll show you pictures of it.
you can find them on ebay for sale from time to time.
look under citicar or electric car.