Sports forum?



Idiot In Training
Jun 28, 2018
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I'd like a sports forum, where we can argue football, baseball, whatever. Maybe a opt-in forum like N&P.
I second that. but it has to be no holds barred. lol :D
You're one of those damn SeaChicken fans aren't ya? I can't be too harsh as my Grandma who lived in Seattle had a crush on Jim Zorn... but **** the SeaChickens! :)
Yep, and you sir are a cheese head. Go Seahawks
And I wear that moniker proudly, sir.

I am guilty of getting off topic as well as anyone .
Let he who is w/o guilt cast the first stone !!
I probably post more off topic stuff on here than most. I do like seeing what's going on with others on here outside of a-bodies.. lets me get to know them a bit more. I don't mind seeing someone posting on here that they are going through a hard time losing loved ones, or money problems, or whatever. I consider a lot of people on here as friends, and I don't take the word 'friend' lightly.
Most people on here are around my age, and share a lot of the same life experiences. The problem with other forums (or, shudder.. facebook) is when it comes to sports, you get the idiots who just want to argue and 'not lose', the 13 year old bandwagon fans, and just plain assholes. I have friends who are rival team fans.. we get together, trash talk each other.. but we agree a bad call is a bad call on either side, and when the game is done, we're still friends. Not so on other forums.
Then we'll need a puke forum because sports makes me vomit.
Then we'll need a puke forum because sports makes me vomit.

NFL anyways..... Call me a bandwagon hater and I don't care but that kneeling crap took what little interest I had in pigskin slinging. Opinions will vary but one thing for sure is they will never get a dime from me and anything with a Nike logo I owned is long gone....

NFL anyways..... Call me a bandwagon hater and I don't care but that kneeling crap took what little interest I had in pigskin slinging. Opinions will vary but one thing for sure is they will never get a dime from me and anything with a Nike logo I owned is long gone....

And if there was a private sports forum on here you would never see any of it.
True. But I do make a extraordinary apple-rhubarb pie from my neighbors apple tree and fresh rhubarb from a co-worker.
Well then, I'd watch a Seahawk/ Packer game with you and I promise to be nice if you share some pie.

The wife was gone one day, and I walked into the house.. the 14 yr old boy had women's tennis on. I was gonna ask him why he had that on.. an hour later the wife walked in, and asked why we were watching tennis. :)