Spring Time in the Ouachita's



Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2012
Reaction score
Jessieville, Arkansas
The Bradford Pears are now blooming at the West end of our pond.
A little over two weeks late this year.
The tall Pine trees and behind them are part of the Ouachita National Forrest.

Great spot! I have an office in Sheridan and stay in Benton often. I've always wanted to drive my car up there and ride the curves on 35 between the two.
I almost took a Forest Service job in Jessieville. I might look at it later in my career but not right now. I looked at a lot of factors like schools, hospitals, and most importantly, jobs for the wife. She would have to totally change what she does for a living and take a huge pay cut.
@dart67 Do you know Larry Mars from Jessieville? He is a retired
Forest Service aviator. Currently he serves as Air Attack on fires.
@dart67 Do you know Larry Mars from Jessieville? He is a retired
Forest Service aviator. Currently he serves as Air Attack on fires.

No, I do not. Sorry

My neighbor Tommy Savall retired from there. But he passed last year from Covid.

The forest service is on my $hit List. They clear cut around my South and West property lines. Then came in and bulldozed a fire break to bear ground and did not put in place any type of silt barrier.
First big rain and my pond looked like and had the consistency of Butterscotch pudding.
Ever since that I have had a huge weed problem in the pond.
We're private industrial and held to an FSC and SFI certification in that state. If you suspect a BMP violation, report it to your county forestry extension agent or the state forestry association. Sounds like it was at least a growing season ago. Have they completed the Rx burn?
We're private industrial and held to an FSC and SFI certification in that state. If you suspect a BMP violation, report it to your county forestry extension agent or the state forestry association. Sounds like it was at least a growing season ago. Have they completed the Rx burn?

It was a few years ago.

They acted like they could care less. They came out and planted grass seed in the rain and left. The least they could have done was to install silt barriers across the three watersheds that feed the pond. Nope Just grass seed.
It was a few years ago.

They acted like they could care less. They came out and planted grass seed in the rain and left. The least they could have done was to install silt barriers across the three watersheds that feed the pond. Nope Just grass seed.

Don’t blame me, I’m just a low wage Wildland Firefighter! LOL

You could definitely get reimbursed or have them fix the problem. Every time we have to cut a fence to access a fire or a California pot farmer loses their crop due to a fire that comes out of a National Forest the property owner gets reimbursed. You just have to do your due diligence.
Did you talk to the Ozark National Forest District Ranger? What did he/she say? Who was it that acted like they could care less and what was their position? If it was a guy at my pay grade you’re right, we could care less because we don’t get paid enough to care and we don’t make the decision of where we burn and put in fire breaks. You need to talk to one of the overpaid decision makers. Unload on them, I know I would. I hate ‘em more than you do.
Don’t blame me, I’m just a low wage Wildland Firefighter! LOL

You could definitely get reimbursed or have them fix the problem. Every time we have to cut a fence to access a fire or a California pot farmer loses their crop due to a fire that comes out of a National Forest the property owner gets reimbursed. You just have to do your due diligence.
Did you talk to the Ozark National Forest District Ranger? What did he/she say? Who was it that acted like they could care less and what was their position? If it was a guy at my pay grade you’re right, we could care less because we don’t get paid enough to care and we don’t make the decision of where we burn and put in fire breaks. You need to talk to one of the overpaid decision makers. Unload on them, I know I would. I hate ‘em more than you do.

I am not blaming you.