strandbeest (great structural design toy)



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
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not sure if any of you ever heard of these contraptions but if you are into engineering, you will love these

they are build out of plastic electrical conduit and zipties
most of them are wind propelled, though some have air bladders (old pop bottles) which can store compressed to move then when there is no wind

I got a chance to see a few of them on display in Chicago and it was pretty cool

anyway, I promised my boy I would buy him a baby one and I had to order it off ebay (think I paid around 15 dollars for it)

it is a marvelous piece of engineering, almost as impressive as the big ones

That is cool! Might have to get one for my boys. They love this stuff
That is cool! Might have to get one for my boys. They love this stuff

how old are they?
I bought this for my 6 year old and there is NO way he would have been able to assemble it himself
how old are they?
I bought this for my 6 year old and there is NO way he would have been able to assemble it himself

I have a 6 and 9 year old. I would think my oldest could put it together, with some guidance. My 6 year old...not so much. :)