Street Racing Tragedy

This has been done since tbe beginning of movement. Big wheels, bicycles, lawn mowers, horses it don't matter, people are gunna do it and its not going to stop. Best to educate the kids on when and where cause there is a time and a place for everything. Tell someone they can't do this or that and guess what? They are going to want to do it all the more! Just the way it is.
This has been done since tbe beginning of movement. Big wheels, bicycles, lawn mowers, horses it don't matter, people are gunna do it and its not going to stop. Best to educate the kids on when and where cause there is a time and a place for everything. Tell someone they can't do this or that and guess what? They are going to want to do it all the more! Just the way it is.

Past practice doesn't excuse a thing. The fact that it's happening as frequently as you say, and for as long as you say proves how vast the problem is, not how justifiable it is.
Past practice doesn't excuse a thing. The fact that it's happening as frequently as you say, and for as long as you say proves how vast the problem is, not how justifiable it is.

Rant all you want. Just like drinking and driving, texting while driving etc. It will continue on no matter how hard you pursue to stop it. Also I am not justifying just telling it like it is and apparently you can't handle the truth Francis.

This is kinda like telling people to not have sex until they are married.......Good luck with it. Lol
are we being politically correct,Frankie. just say'n.
Rant all you want. Just like drinking and driving, texting while driving etc. It will continue on no matter how hard you pursue to stop it.

I understand that. However, that's still not a reason to stop standing by and doing nothing. When I see people racing on the street, I report it. because it's an up hill battle, is no reason to sit back and wait for another innocent to get killed, or another idiot, for that matter.

Also I am not justifying just telling it like it is and apparently you can't handle the truth Francis.

Wrong. You are justifying, and what's worse, you seem to agree with the practice. The truth is, it's dangerous to participants, and by standers alike, it's illegal, and it completely stupid. Buy your arguments, I doubt you understand exactly what the "truth" is in this case, "Sweety".

...and thank you for spelling my name correctly.

This is kinda like telling people to not have sex until they are married...

But far more dangerous to innocents who aren't involved. Far more deadly, and stupid for the participants.'ve missed the point yet again, I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. I'm I'm merely pointing out how stupid the practice is. By your arguments, you are the guy trying to change minds, here.
maybe we should ban fast cars and quit producing 400hp cars. what are all those vipers,vettes, chargers doing on the freeway anyway.
When I lived in Bremerton, Wa - they had a air strip that they closed down friday nights, had police on standby, and allowed people to race on it. It kept people from getting antsy in town. I think that could be done almost anywhere and solve a bit of it, but it won't keep people from doing it at all. I never race on the street. I put a 225 sticker on the side rear window of the dart to deter people from thinking I had something worth racing. They still try it though. I just make the "not today" face, and drive off slowly. If i had ever killed my son or daughter off my stupidity - I'd likely off myself. I couldn't live with that.
When I lived in Bremerton, Wa - they had a air strip that they closed down friday nights, had police on standby, and allowed people to race on it. It kept people from getting antsy in town.

An excellent solution to a problem. But, your right, many lunkheads wouldn't have the mental capacity to take advantage of something like that.

Serj22 said:
If i had ever killed my son or daughter off my stupidity - I'd likely off myself. I couldn't live with that.

Even if it wasn't your child, can you imagine living with something like that?
We (my friends, brother, and I) used to street race all the time. I lived out in a little town away from any thing and there was nothing but open road. Sometimes we would even race rite in town. I will say that as a 15-18 year old, we didn't even consider the safety of others or ourselves. We had it timed and new how long we could play before the police showed up. We were warned many times, but the police never caught us and no one ever pressed charges. We were total idiots. When I was 20, my brother and I were in his turbo 300ZX and our friends were in one of their turbo 300Z's, we were at pole position at a stop light and when it turned green, we took off. This was rite downtown Logan on main street. I seen a cop dart over from the far lane and told my brother to take off. We got away, but our friends didn't. They did get a reckless driving ticket. The very next night I was in my friends ranger (I know, totally stupid) racing another friend (one of the kids in the other 300Z from the night before) in his RX7. We were on a narrow back road and were doing about 70 when we went to pass the RX7 and he swerved at us a little and we swerved to avoid contact. TJ locked up the brakes and over corrected. We slid sideways all the way across the road, into the burrow pit and flipped over. I was wearing my seat belt, TJ was not. I put a death grip on the "Oh ****" handle and that is the only thing that kept TJ from ejecting. When we landed, on our wheels. TJ was on my lap with one arm out the window and his other in between the windshield and glass.

We were very lucky to walk away with only cuts and bruises. I will never forget the feeling, the fear. I will never forget our friends face, the one that ran us off the road. The fear in his eyes that a simple "harmless" swerve may have caused catastrophe. He watched the whole thing in his rear view knowing he had caused it and not yet knowing the outcome.

Those two instances in a row, pretty much straightened us out. I haven'e street raced since. Even when I was driving my buddies 440 six pack Challenger and had a really pretty lady in the car with me, and some kid wanted to race. I looked a him with a smirk and a shrug and didn't even rev the engine. That was enough to let him know he wasn't even worthy to race it...

Admittedly, it is a thrill to street race. It's a thrill to deal drugs too. But the consequences (both to you and others) of either are far worse than the thrill is worth.

I do see a problem though, they want to take racing off of the streets. But there is nothing being done to take it off the streets. The small area that I am from had ample places to put a 1/4 mile, there were even people willing to pay to put it in, but the county wouldn't allow it. I honestly think that part of it is that they made a lot of money off of the tickets, so it would hurt the sheriffs department. There is no other reason that makes sense. And ANYONE that has ever driven through Logan, UT knows that there are WAY to many police driving pulling people over. Sometimes they will have three squad cars there for a simple seat belt ticket (ask me how I know. lol)

Bottom line, Street racing kills!!!!
Really? How about you put up some quotes, to back up your accusation, of my changing opinion, on this topic.

WHY are you so confrontational? I have never seen a post by you that was actually worth reading because all you do is ***** about everything... Politics, guns, street racing, whatever... Why don't you cross over to Washington where pot is legal, smoke a few bowls, and relax...

If I wanted to hear from cranky old men, I would go to an old folks home...
Really? How about you put up some quotes, to back up your accusation, of my changing opinion, on this topic.

I was saying that from your previous posts that you DISAGREE with street racing, just like I DO. I was saying WE SHARE THE SAME OPINION.

Why are you always looking for a fight where there is none? Christ almighty.
There's a first,you two agree. Did my share of street racing,admit to that. Still attracted to the hardware. Doesn't make financial sense.Have need a license,to make a living.That simple,for me.
just got back from TNT. wheat field on both sides. no people, no animals and no problem.