Stuff kids say



Aug 24, 2010
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Decatur, IL
I noticed, through the crack between the curtains of our front window, a distinctive tail light pattern across the street. I asked my son if that was a new Charger that had just pulled in. My son looked out, and said, "No, it's a Dart." I wasn't sure I heard him right, so I repeated, "It's a Dart?" He replied, "Well, that's what they call them, anyway."

You don't think he's prejudiced, do you?
The things kids say. When I was putting the motor in my 68 Dart I had a bunch of friends over to help. As we were lowering it in my buddies were busting my *** about the mods on the motor and how I was trying to make it appear stock. I said "It's stock!" My son who was 3 at the time piped right up and said in a loud voice "Its not stock daddy!" We fell out, and that still comes up in conversation.
So my wife and my 5 year old daughter were eating lunch out at a local place, when my 5 year old notices a cockroach under the salad bar munching on a crouton. She looks at her mom and states "i dont know about this place, they just let their bugs run around everywhere"
Years ago my young (2-3 yrs old) daughter was standing by a hole in the back yard as I was trying to pry a huge chunk of concrete loose that stuck out of the ground. I placed a long piece of 2" pipe under the concrete and was pulling on the pipe.
Kid: "What are you doing daddy?"
Me: "I'm prying on this piece of concrete to get it out of the ground."
(30 seconds of silence while I struggle.)
Kid: "What does pry mean daddy?"
Me: "It's like when you take the cap off a Pepsi. You pry the cap off."
(More silence as I finally get it out and walk off satisfied with the learning moment we just had.)
Kid: "Where's the Pepsi daddy?"
When my oldest boy was about 4 or 5, he remembers me driving my Valiant station wagon from before.

Then he sees this strange looking "car" and shouts out, "Look dad, a station wagon convertible!!!"

When I looked, it was an El Camino...

Not a bad guess....
My granddaughter was very close to her great grand father and he to her. When he past at 95 yrs and she at 4 she was devastated. A year later my wife took her picture sitting in one of his amegios. Grandma said your greatgtandfather would love this picture. At 5 years old she said "Grandma just text it to heaven"
When my son was about 3-4 he learned that milk comes from cows. One day we were having orange juice and I asked him if he knows where orange juice comes from. After a couple seconds he said "Horses?"