stupid move

AdamR said:
Thats called a bass player, (runs and hides) :angel9:

One kick in da nuts coming your way....

Sweet 8 string. I actually started on bass. Been thinking of switching back.
AdamR said:
Sweet 8 string. I actually started on bass. Been thinking of switching back.

That 8 string is a MONSTER! Between the active EM G's and the tonal range you wouldn't believe the noise I can make with it....:toothy7:

And as for going back to bass, just go and play SOMETHING! I tried to quit playing bass several times and I just can't put it down. Not that I'm such a virtuoso player.... I just like playing the damn thing too much.
I've been playing when I can. The kids love but I can see Jake is going to need his own soon so he'll leave mine alone. Mya love music and has to shake her little booty when ever she hears it. I can see a lot of dance recitals in my future.
Adam ive been there with the whole band thing i did it for like 10 yrs, trying to make it, meeting with producers, but it never panned out, but it was fun! its cool that they inked a deal but the chances of them having longevity are SLIM. When all is said and done they will most likley have to come to the real world eventually, and you have the head start, oyu have your family and your health, thats a winner in my book
rumblefish360 said:
Never look back on what you think you missed out on. .

This is so true, and especially that word THINK, your head will blast out if you think what ever you missed out...

It is diffrent thing to DO something or just THINK to do something...

Really great written rumblefish360!
69signetv8 said:
There's a lot of things we should have done differently and sometimes our "destiny" just sucks. However, I'm sure there's "some" downfalls in that line of work that you won't have to worry about now Adam. (One being, like those thousands of babes drooling all over you) :lol: Sorry, didn't mean to rub it in!
Craig NY said:
Adam ive been there with the whole band thing i did it for like 10 yrs......

What do you play Craig?

And BTW: Next weekend we get together, OK?