Swine Flu?



Big Member
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Bethel, CT
Anyone else lucky enough to catch it ? Ive been home with the kids since Friday. They both have it, I started feeling sick yesterday and feel like I was hit by a C body today.
My family has been lucky so far. (knock on wood)
Hope youget through it all ok.

dang pigs anyways.

So far so good for me and my family but it's running wild where I live, I heard on the news this morning one of our schools is closed, 40% of the kids have it.

Hope you and the kids get over it quickly.
Heres the best part, We were told our children had to wait to get there shots because they are currently on state insurance. So I guess that makes my childrens health less important then someone who has there own insurance.

They were to get there shots to day. 5 days to late.
Around here, there weren't any shots available for adults at all, and for kids, everybody had to pay. We got the kids their shots (first of 2), then we all came down with the H1N1 last weekend.

It sucks. Scary to see the little ones so sick, but it looks like we're all ok now. We were out for about 5 or 6 days.

From what I was told is H1N1 is the only strain that seems to be going around right now. So if you have the flue, its swine flue.

My wife was lucky enough to get heres at work because shes a CNA. The rest of us were pretty much told we were s.o.l.
my 7yr old got it from school and gave it to my 2yr old son.i was really worried because of all the bad stuff that can happen.but they both got over it with a little medacine
Locally a young fellow died (13 years old) last week from H1N1. They are just starting to release (3 days ago) vacines to the elders and the young children and high risk first. I think tomorrow will be the first day for vacines, for the general population, be prepared to stand in line for hours.
From what I was told is H1N1 is the only strain that seems to be going around right now. So if you have the flue, its swine flue.

My wife was lucky enough to get heres at work because shes a CNA. The rest of us were pretty much told we were s.o.l.
That's what my wife said also. The normal flu doesn't survive when it's warm.
It has hit 3 out of five of us in the house. Not hard when all the kids go to school.
We all received the vaccine except my son. He was to get the shot instead of the inhaled one.
Takes 2 weeks for the vaccine to be affective,we received the vaccine saturday. My son started with symptoms on Sunday with the fever. Youngest daughter got it two days later, then my wife caught it a week after my son.
So far me and my 8 yr old are symptom free.
H1N1 is no worse than the normal flu. Only difference is that it doesn't die off in the warm weather.
The media really made everyone think that it is the deadliest thing.
Check the numbers of people that die from the normal A flu that goes around each year.
Thats what I have been told also. The big problem was when it showed up here there was no vaccine for it so it took time for it to get under control.

Most of the people who have died from it had other problems as well, Old, young over weight etc.
Thats what I have been told also. The big problem was when it showed up here there was no vaccine for it so it took time for it to get under control.

Most of the people who have died from it had other problems as well, Old, young over weight etc.
Exactly what I have found out also.
There is usually some other under lying thing that causes the deaths of the people that get the flu.
My son started with the Headache,body ache, and fever, and ended this flu with the cough. He was out of action for a week and a half (10 days). My youngest one, that had gotten the vaccine, started and ended the same way, but was milder and she was only out of it for 1 week (7 days).
Keep the fluids flowing. My kids like OJ so I kept giving them that to drink.
My girlie had it all last week she was told if you don't take Tamaflu witin 24 hrs of the first symptom you'll have it for a week. She had a 103* fever for four days, Motrin wouldnt take it down-- Tylenol either... the hospital E-R didn't want to see her unless she was really bad. 29 kids have it in my school district had it so far. Then my Wife got it on Wed (her B-day was Thurs) so she was bummin. So far I haven't got it. I wash my hands like I have OCD. I friggin hate the winter c'mon april
My son had it.l he went to the doc and was misdiganosed. He was still sick a week later and went back and was told he had the pig flu.

It took him about 2 weeks to get over it.
Wash Your Hands At Least 10 Times Per Day With Antibacterial Soap. I Am In The Food Industry And Have Not Had The Flue Since I Was 5 Years Old, Its All About Hygiene, Sanitize, Wash, Sanitize, Wash Over And Over. Oh Yea I Am 45 Years Old And Work In The General Public. This Has Worked For Me For 25 Years. Have Not Had A Sick Day In 25 Years. It Works, Trust Me.
Heres the best part, We were told our children had to wait to get there shots because they are currently on state insurance. So I guess that makes my childrens health less important then someone who has there own insurance.

They were to get there shots to day. 5 days to late.
Wait until you have government run health care. If you think that sucks.....

Anyway, hope all you guys are back on your feet real soon Adam. You have a great family.

my wife was sick from monday to sunday 1 week shes better now no 1 else yet she just had the flu
Wait until you have government run health care. If you think that sucks.....

Anyway, hope all you guys are back on your feet real soon Adam. You have a great family.


yeah because our current system is so competant[/sarcasm]

I'm not a fan of private insurance these days. After 3 stitches ran me 650$ w/ a 3hr wait time and 6 months of fighting with those retards at the hospital who didn't have the brain power to correctly copy my insurance info off of my card(which they photocopied!). During which time i recieved bills where apparently without insurance 3 stitches would cost nearly 3grand.

Anyhow this whole swine flu is way too overblown. I got it when it first came around and there wasnt a vaccine out. It sucked, but it wasnt some awful life threatening sickness. This hysteria will die off when the lemmings find something else to freak out about.
Heres the best part, We were told our children had to wait to get there shots because they are currently on state insurance. So I guess that makes my childrens health less important then someone who has there own insurance.

They were to get there shots to day. 5 days to late.
Adam, who told you this? The insurance company themselves, or the Dr. that was refusing service? I'm thinking someone needed to get smacked.
I don't see how this is possible when it is a GOVERNMENT SUPPLIED vaccine.
Well it's to late now, and the kids will be over it in a week or so.
But what they told you was just wrong.
There is a recommendation from the CDC that all children 6 months to 24 years old receive the vaccine. Health care workers, pregnant women and adults age 24 years and up that have underlying illness.

Seems to me, your children fall into the CDC guidelines.
Insurance should have nothing to do with getting the vaccine.

The only problem would be an availability problem.
Thats what I would think also. This state insurance we have is a nightmare. I had to go get new glasses. My eye doctor took the insurance but then it took me a week to find a place I could get glasses from with it.

I cant wait to find a real job just for the insurance, LOL