Talk About A Potty Mouth...



Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2007
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South Charleston, WV
Read this in the paper:
SCRANTON,Pa.-- Talk about a potty mouth.:cussing:
A Scranton woman who allegedly shouted profanities at her overflowing toilet within earshot of a neighbor was cited for disorderly conduct, authorities said.
The woman could face up to 90 days in jail and fine up to $300.
"It doesn't make any sense. I was in my house. It's not like I was outside or drunk," she told The Times-Tribune of Scranton. "The toilet was overflowing and leaking down into the kitchen and I was yelling [for my daughter] to get the mop."
She doesn't recall exactly what she said, but she admitted letting more than a few choice words fly near an open bathroom window Thursday night.
Her next-door neighbor, an off duty police officer, asked her to keep it down, police said. When she continued, the officer called police.
A lawyer from the ACLU in Philadelphia took issue with the citation.
"You can't prosecute somebody for swearing at a cop or a toilet," the lawyer said.
This isn't the first time I have read about someone getting a "disorderly conduct" citation for profanity, although it is the first time while being in someones own house. This country is getting more and more like a communist or nazi country everyday.

You would think a police officer of all people would have tougher skin than that, I'm sure they hear a whole lot of cursing in their day to day jobs. Maybe he has little kids that are now walking around cursing up a storm because of what they heard :cussing: :lol:
I just herd it on the news here allso.
And I live in Northeast Arkansas.
maybe the cop needs to be put in the corner
and get some therapy . That sounds crazy to me.
Absolutely retarded. No question about it. Sure, cursing is not encouraged, but it is not illegal, especially in ones own home. Sounds like this officer abuses his power regularly and gets a little carried away. I salute all law enforcement for what they do, but when they turn around and do something like this, even outside of work, it is uncalled for. Bet he would have done the same thing if his damn toilet overflowed all ver the house. Sometimes, people just loose their cool and cursing can happen.

I see law enforcement personal break speed limits, traffice laws, sound regulations, ect on and off the job, like they are exempt from the rule. This is abuse of power and it sets a bad example. Has any one ever counted how many times a law enforcement agent in a squad car does not use their turn signal or follow speed laws? I bet if you count, especially here in California, there are a number of those occurences.

All law enforcement personal SHOULD follow all rules, just like everyone else. I believe it is called lead by example if i'm not mistaken. As for all of the law abiding officers, hats off to you and keep up the good work.

I know, I am kinda off topic, but when I hear stories like this, it makes me mad that some people get away with it bc of a thinking that they have leeway. B.S, we all pay taxes here.

This all opinion ofcourse, so don't fry me to death. I am not narrow minded, so I don't mind opinions of
I know, I am kinda off topic, but when I hear stories like this, it makes me mad that some people get away with it bc of a thinking that they have leeway. B.S, we all pay taxes here.

Off topic! What the hell do you think your doing? LOL!

Moparj, You'll get kick out of this. This is a website for cops who slam other cops for giving them tickets. Un-freakin'-believable.
The "disorderly conduct" law in itself is completely a catch-all law. The disorderly conduct is all in the eye of the beholder. In Washington we as tax payers have gotten some catch-all laws abolished because they are so "gray". Would have the American Revolutionaries received "disorderly conduct" citations for their definance of a King rule government? Probably if we hadn't of handed them their asses. Oh no, I just swore... disorderly conduct. Next it will be internet "disorderly conduct".

When I was growing up there was a cop that lived two houses down the street from us. I can remember other cops coming by in their patrol cars to pick him up & blipping the siren to let him know they were there........
Off topic! What the hell do you think your doing? LOL!

Moparj, You'll get kick out of this. This is a website for cops who slam other cops for giving them tickets. Un-freakin'-believable.

Ramcharger, that is grandeous. Funny!!!!

I disobey my own rules of not expressing opinions on things like this to much. I know much more about mechanics than this kind of stuff, so next time, I will tone it down. Sorry if I expressed too much. I guess I am kinda irritable about this kind of stuff for being only 22, so I guess I need to give it some time before
I complain rant more. Lol.
The "disorderly conduct" law in itself is completely a catch-all law. The disorderly conduct is all in the eye of the beholder. In Washington we as tax payers have gotten some catch-all laws abolished because they are so "gray". Would have the American Revolutionaries received "disorderly conduct" citations for their definance of a King rule government? Probably if we hadn't of handed them their asses. Oh no, I just swore... disorderly conduct. Next it will be internet "disorderly conduct".


That is priceless Chuck, f^%&en priceless. Ooops, I get disorderly conduct too.

Ok, enough from me....I am being too awnry now.
Ramcharger, that is grandeous. Funny!!!!

I disobey my own rules of not expressing opinions on things like this to much. I know much more about mechanics than this kind of stuff, so next time, I will tone it down. Sorry if I expressed too much. I guess I am kinda irritable about this kind of stuff for being only 22, so I guess I need to give it some time before
I complain rant more. Lol.

Feel free to rant, brother. I do it all the time. :thumbup:
I love this thread, I've been trying to come up with a name for my race car for three years now and I found a name finally... "Disorderly Conduct" I like it!

Thanks, Xcptshnl1

I love this thread, I've been trying to come up with a name for my race car for three years now and I found a name finally... "Disorderly Conduct" I like it!

Thanks, Xcptshnl1


That is pretty slick, not bad. Go for it Chuck.:headbang:
Your Welcome Chuck. Glad I could be of service.
-Mrs. Grumpuscreature :angel12:

I love this thread, I've been trying to come up with a name for my race car for three years now and I found a name finally... "Disorderly Conduct" I like it!

Thanks, Xcptshnl1
