Thank you Mick from North Highlands! Faith in humanity got a boost.


Rice Nuker

Let the Coal Roll!
Jan 29, 2010
Reaction score
U.S.A.! Near Jackson CA
This fellow from north highlands just gave me a pair of a833 transmissions, one /6 bell, pressure plate and flywheel.

One trans is aluminum OD the other I dont know yet. Both are slip yoke.

Anyway what a nice thing to do.

I answered a craigslist ad about 1 year ago and he responded then that he still had them, I sent him a couple pics on how to ID them and asked what he had specifically.

Well one year goes by and last night he emails me back while I am looking at an email of pictures about all the nice things in the world and he says, "you can have them if you want, they are in my way, just come pick them up"

So, I drove 2 hours out of my way en route home to get them today.

They are apart, so I need to asses and decide for a year or so.

Anyway, it is nice that a fellow Mopar person who has stuff in his way took the time to let another Mopar person know.

Thank you Mick :)

I thought I would share some pictures with yall even though I am not a total bfer but this is what I was looking at when I got the emial:

The last one is where this little dying girl is going to have her organs harvested to save other children and all them chinamen are bowing out of respect to the dying child..




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A simple thing like giving that girl a pair of $3 Flip Flops brought her to tears..When you have NO SHOES..Those Flip Flops look pretty sweet...