thanks to Forabodiesonly (smoke free)



Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2008
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thanks for all the support when I quit smoking. I am doing well so far so good. How is everyone else doing.
I've been smoke free for 30 plus years. I smoked a little in
high school. Didn't like it. I'm now 55 yrs old.
I'm just trying to think how much money I saved.
Sorry I just didn't like it. My lungs told me right away..
31 years now........Can't stand the smell worries about ever taking it up again.

My lungs thank me every time I get on my Total Gym ! :cheers:

Hang in don't NEED that crap anymore.
April fools quitter here. Still at it. Dart340 had to remind me last night that I'm no longer a smoker. I actually forgot all about it.
I quit before April 1, I guess its been almost 2 months now.
You've made it past the worst part, congrats again! Easy sailing from now (just don't give in to the "AHHH what the ... just one"! Stay away from it!
You're doing great, keep it up! You DON"T need it.
This June it will be 6 years for me. I smoked for 19.

Congratulations everyone.
Four weeks, 43 minutes for me. I don't even think of smoking one now.
20 years this June, there's much better bad habits than smoking :D Stick with it, the worst is over
I keep falling off the wagon just to chase it down and jump back on :sad11:.
I am proud to hear there are some strong minds out there, Congratulations my friends :D:D
I keep falling off the wagon just to chase it down and jump back on :sad11:.
I am proud to hear there are some strong minds out there, Congratulations my friends :D:D

That's what I keep doing too. I guess if we keep trying & don't give up we'll make it sooner or later! I think it will help me if I ever get rid of the stress of this IRS audit. This monkey has been on my back for over 2 mos. now. After I pay my accountant for his time on this at $100.00 an hr. & the other expenses of fighting this, I won't be able to afford to buy cigs anyway. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
Hell I'm with the two of you, made it 2 1/2 weeks and picked one up. Guess what now? I gotta quit again. DAMN
Started smoking in 1964, decided I didn't need it anymore and quit cold turkey in 1977. My lungs said they were so glad I did!
Tomorrow makes 4 weeks without a cig....still have a craving from time to time but thanks for the help, I couldn't quit last year when my wife did, and I couldn't quit in February when my son did, but it looks like I did quit with you folks..and that's after smoking for some 44 years. Didn't think about that before but that would make it '65 that I started ...the same year as my Dart....