The Human Body



A-Bodies Rule!
Mar 10, 2009
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San Antonio TX
The Human Body

It takes your food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your

One human hair can support 3 kg (6.6 lb).

The average man's ***** is three times the length of his thumb.

Human thighbones are stronger than concrete.

A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.

There are about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet.

Women blink twice as often as men.

The average person's skin weighs twice as much as the brain.

Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when you are
standing still.

If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it.

Women reading this will be finished now.

Men are still busy checking their thumbs.
The Human Body

The average man's ***** is three times the length of his thumb.

Aha! So this is why women are always commenting on how big my hands are!!

Many years ago I went to get some custom motorcycle gloves made and brought my girlfriend with me. This was a very well known leather shop in Northern Ill called "Kelly's Leathers" that catered to motorcyclists exclusively.

They had to do a trace of my hands and the gals there made a comment about my hands. I thought my girlfriend was going to explode as her face turned about 3 shades of red, lol.

I didn't know what the hell the problem was, but now it all makes sense. :toothy10:
LMAO! Pssssst, Joe, from the sounds of things I don't think you exactly have a "problem."

Good one Tammy! You've joined the family in grand fashion girl. ^5
To make a long story short :read2:Mine has never let me down if I needed a ride :thumbrig:

Men are still busy checking their thumbs.

Christ Guys...she said thumbs (you know 2x length of 2 :read2:)

Tammy...are you a redhead....(CudaChick, don't you dare, well ok
go ahead :toothy10:)
:sign5: :toothy10::toothy10: " Men are still busy checking their thumbs."

Read this one to my hubby and he gave me two thumbs up...


I have pulled on my thumbs for over an hour now, they have practically come out of socket and actually measure a quarter of an inch longer. When I checked to see if the results transferred, I was in so much pain it seems to have had the opposite effect.