the last OJ joke



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FABO Gold Member
Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
A man is stopped in heavy traffic in Los Angeles and thinks, "Wow, this traffic seems worse than usual. We’re not even moving."

Noticing a police officer walking down the highway between the cars, the man rolls down his window and says, "Excuse me, officer…what’s the holdup?"

"It’s O.J. Simpson," says the cop. "He’s all depressed. He’s lying down in the middle of the highway and threatening to douse himself in gasoline and light himself on fire, because he doesn’t have $8.5 million dollars for the Goldmans. I’m walking around taking up a collection for him."

The man says, "A collection, huh? How much have you got so far?"

"So far…ten gallons." :wav:
Hehahahahaa.. niiice..

that dink dog has a book now.. abotu how he WOULD have killed her.. wtf is that all about?

ayway.. ill make a donation.. even tho gas costs soo much..
OJ needs to go hunting with Dick Cheney! Deer or Elk hunting and Dicky needs to be toting one of those 50 caliber sniper rifles! And OJ could accidentally walk into the crosshairs right as Dick squeezed the trigger! That would be the cheapest way,would cost about $3.00 for the round Because that murdering bastard ain't worth $20.00 in gasoline to set his sorry *** on fire!
Come on.....he didn't do it :evil3: yah, right......

Gas cost too much yet. There must be a cheeper way....Hummm, he should be ordered to Mrs. Bobbitt's house for a sleep over first.. :axe: "nice and slow". OK, where can we send him next weekend :lol: