the mopars gods will not be happy with me

bought it in a bar!????
I called my buddy. sat nite we will hook up to our trailers, and take some cash to the local bars strolling for car guys we can get sauced and get a deal on their old cars!! whatcha thunk!!?? ha
Normally for me stock is boring....But that 57 Chevy begs to be restored to as close to original as possible. I am a fan of all cars but MOPAR's are my favorite.
Well DMV tells me it is worth $38,000 so I have to get a car dealer to appraise it or pay the tax on the 38 grand.
It would be interesting to know how the DMV came up with 38K. Just like with mopars the prices on trifives are all over the map, depending on condition, which model it is and how it is optioned. Lately well done modified cars are bringing more than well done originals.
Middle of the range in the nada book for a 57 two door sport coupe is what DMV went by. They tried to tell me my 68 D100 was worth $10,400 so I went to carmax and got it appraised. Came back with an appraisal for $300 on their letter head. DMV had to use that amount.