The official FABO Pledge to quit smoking thread



Slammed 1
May 10, 2009
Reaction score
Lisle Illinois
If a mod could Sticky this that would be awesome.

I ________ Pledge to the Fabo family that as of ________ I will put down my horrible smoking habit and if I need to vent I will check in here to get some much needed support. I also pledge to try my best to not to scream at, swear at, or strangle those close to me.

I Johnparts (John Partipilo) Pledge to the Fabo family that as of 1/5/2010 I will put down my horrible smoking habit and if I need to vent I will check in here to get some much needed support. I also pledge to try my best to not scream at, swear at, or strangle those close to me.
If a mod could Sticky this that would be awesome.

I ____Dennis Knox___ Pledge to the Fabo family that as of ___1/01/2011_____ I will put down my horrible smoking habit and if I need to vent I will check in here to get some much needed support. I also pledge to try my best to not to scream at, swear at, or strangle those close to me.
11 days tobacco free!
I DAN SOUPENE Pledge to the Fabo family that as of 1/1/2011 I will put down my horrible smoking habit and if I need to vent I will check in here to get some much needed support. I also pledge to try my best to not to scream at, swear at, or strangle those close to me.

Good Job guys. I sure wish I had the mind set to quit. There too much apart of my life to not forget to light up. Thats the part I have trouble with.
I Steve S Pledge to the Fabo family that as of Jan 11 2011 I will put down my horrible smoking habit and if I need to vent I will check in here to get some much needed support. I also pledge to try my best to not to scream at, swear at, or strangle those close to me.

12 hours smoke free.....Lori wont even smoke in front of me, she was hiding in the closet and she went outside too!!LOL She is such a good girl!
Please, Mods - STICKY THIS!!

I know I am not ready yet, but when I am, I'll be back. This will be a great motivator.

Good luck everyone, be strong, be brave, I'm rootin for ya (and praying for ya)!
I applaud your efforts.
I just lost father in law. 40+ year smoker, quit 8 years ago so he could be around his grand kids. Died of respiratory failure, that stopped heart beat, stopped respiratory, and starved the brain. Thankfully he didn't take anyone else out in his vehicle when he floated off the road. I watched him go yesterday afternoon.

I am personally pissed and furious at the old man. He bought himself a few years, long enough to see his grand kids, and long enough for them (8-4-2-2) to be old enough to know him a little, but now they are deprived of him, because of his choices earlier in life. He took the 8 year old to and from school every day. The 4 year old want to see Pop Pop. How do I answer him?
I had two last night at my 9 ball league night and one about an hour ago :angry7:
Now I am on fabo and soaking a sink full of dishes and sharing a frosted mug and a shot of Tequila with Snake 8)

I am doing my best and will whip this thing 8)

Up front and honest with myself is not hard to do when I can see me moving forward on this help to quit with my friends here :happy10:
Be sure and call me weak for my actions :-D
I applaud your efforts.
I just lost father in law. 40+ year smoker, quit 8 years ago so he could be around his grand kids. Died of respiratory failure, that stopped heart beat, stopped respiratory, and starved the brain. Thankfully he didn't take anyone else out in his vehicle when he floated off the road. I watched him go yesterday afternoon.

I am personally pissed and furious at the old man. He bought himself a few years, long enough to see his grand kids, and long enough for them (8-4-2-2) to be old enough to know him a little, but now they are deprived of him, because of his choices earlier in life. He took the 8 year old to and from school every day. The 4 year old want to see Pop Pop. How do I answer him?

So sorry to read and hear about this, The world dun this to us older folks and I am quiting just for the reason you have posted, Thank you and I wish I had the words to help you explain this to your 4 year old.
Sincerely your Arkansas friend Mike.
I was quit for 18 years and somehow slipped back into the habit about 5 years ago. I am now quit again.....last smoke was 12 20 10.
You guys are to be commended. Everybody just going cold turkey?
My hart goes out to all of you guys and I truely hope you can kick your habit. I watched my father in law suffer with lung cancer and pass on. My wife battling cancer again after having it 20 years ago and going through chemo not feeling well and all of her hair is gone and still working so she can keep her job. Please hang in there and do it for your wife,kids and most of all yourself.
The world dun this to us older folks

Yup. I'm not a smoker, but it's really galling how the tobacco companies have lied through their teeth about this product, which does nothing but make its user want another one (and make him cough and stink and die), addicted generations of new smokers to this stupid, deadly poison, and then have the nerve to babble that it's all about "freedom". Oh, yeah, and then the smoker gets another load of crap all over his head from society acting as though being addicted is some kind of a moral failure. Sheesh!

Y'all can do it. Every cigarette you don't smoke is a victory. Just don't smoke the next one!
June coming up will be 7 years for me, after smoking steadily for 32 years. Grandma gave me a 5 dollar bill and told me to go buy my own, instead of taking hers from her pack at night. That was on my 14th b-day. :)

Pack-and-a-half a day smoker, I finally had enough. Heard about something called Auricular Therapy (ear acupuncture) and decided to give it a try.

My appt was for a Thursday at 2PM...they recommended not smoking for two hours prior. Had my last smoke at 2230 Wednesday night, thinking to myself that I wanted to see how much difference the treatment would make in my demeanor afterwards.

Oddly, when I got up Thursday morning, I had no desire for a smoke. After the treatment I noticed no change.

Been smoke free since! No more hacking my lungs out in the morning, no more smell of 'backy on my clothes, and best of all, I figured a savings of $1300-$1400 the year I quit, and smokes were still around $2.25-$2.50 per pack!

Another bonus...I like a good cold beer now and again. Having one used to make me want to light up. But I can still have a beer and NOT want to have a smoke!

I've never felt better. :headbang:

Should have done it many years before.

All you folks can quit! You'll have mo' money fer yer sweet-honkin' rides!

ROCK ON, QUITTERS!! :cheers:
Yup. I'm not a smoker, but it's really galling how the tobacco companies have lied through their teeth about this product, which does nothing but make its user want another one (and make him cough and stink and die), addicted generations of new smokers to this stupid, deadly poison, and then have the nerve to babble that it's all about "freedom". Oh, yeah, and then the smoker gets another load of crap all over his head from society acting as though being addicted is some kind of a moral failure. Sheesh!

Y'all can do it. Every cigarette you don't smoke is a victory. Just don't smoke the next one!

Here I go Dan 8) I moved and cleared these from the house today to make my point to my wife and myself :cheers:
On my second beer as I was doing laundry and dishes :angry7:
Reading this is moving me forward on to a smoke free life :cheers:


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i guess ill quit smoking the house on the street and at the strip....
the other im not rdy yet but when time comes and i need to vent ill b here.

good luck guys!

15days without burning out.
You guys are to funny, but we have to punish you in some way if you smoke one!!!!!
My Dad smoked from the time he was 14 till he passed away at 86.

The only time I smoke is when I'm on fire and making love.

I'm smoke free since 1991.....quit the day after my heart attack. Was
a three pack a day smoker. Kool Filter Kings...quit cold turkey.

You all can do it.......I know
March 8th 2010 . I have been smoke free after 25 years I feel great !!!!
Well its pushing 30 hours without a smoke a drag...nadda. Cold turkey, back in school for the final semester. It surprising, I have my head wrapped around it, and that is what it is.....mental!!!!!!! Memike I am with you, get rid of the ashtrays, lighters, anything that is nicotine related. It sucks though as I smoke the odd "left hander" and I need nicotine for that. Those are NOT an issue for me, I could go months without them, so I will put them off until Im comfortable enough knowing that I wont start up the cigarettes again. Good luck guys/gals it can be done, dont let a little pos defeat ya!!