The toe bone is connected the foot bone

And there was something about some bolts and cam washers
Ask Cliff,about that k member!

OOOPS..... You are right... K Member has big holes.

Ok Start again the inner core of the earth is connected to the crust
the crust is connected to the.....?
Oops forgot the molten lava.
The What is connected to what?
Music notes are not on the computers.
My wife want's to know where the duct tape comes into play? Or would that be back when we were working on the electrical with the tin foil?

Actually, here's the duct tape! It's black to match the rest of the upholstery. With the exception of the pizza box.

The pizza box is connected to the...


  • interior1.jpg
    113.5 KB · Views: 102
Then the creeper is reconnected back up to the butt cheek for final inspection.
Butt cheek is then connected to the.........
Your guys are nuts, I can not stop laughing!
The blow off valve is connected to the piston return spring and that
is connected to the.......
The rollscanhardly Which is connected to the.......
Turbo encabulator. The turbo encabulator is connected to the...

[ame=""]Entabulator, the Chrystler training video - YouTube[/ame]