The wife is torturing me, lol

I feel for you. Damn it's rough! Yesterdays project, pickles. Today tomatoes, salsa and spaghetti sauce. :D:cheers::D


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Yeah, and to make it worse, we have to suffer through the cold months with fresh garden stuff. :D
Well two days at it and they aren't quite done yet. The wifey and her cousin do this every year, but this time they bought extra because everyone ran out early. I think it was 140lbs of tomatoes! Anyway, I love their homemade salsa and spaghetti sauce!


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Gdrill and Jeepsterhemi, nice maters! I didn't grow any this year, got frustrated last year, even with spraying had pests eating my tomatoes as soon as they were ripe enough to pick and set in the window. For me this year it's store bought canned, this is a good one for store bought.


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