Thermostat 160 or 180?



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2007
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In my new 340 engine I have a 160 degree thermostat. It runs a little hotter than i would like so my question is will it coll down with a higher 180 degree thermostat? I had a guy tell me that since the car ran above 160 all the time that the thermostat stayed open and did not give the water time to cool in the radiator. It seems to make since , but i was wondering what your thought were on the matter. The car runs around 200 degree while runnig, but will go higher after i shut it off, but i guess that is just heat soak. I would like to try to get it to run more about 190-195 if that is possible. The cooling is a stock 72 340 radiator with a shroud and a viscous fan. Let emknow what you think.
It will with a 3 row rad 180 stat and an ac water pump.Any build i do I get what I said always runs cool.
A thermostat controlls MINIMUN operating temp only, not MAXIMUM. It will run at the same temperature with either thermostat installed.

I'd try the 180. For me they seem to run more consistent than 160's. My 65 Barracuda I run a 190 in the 273, I know it produces less heat than a 340, but the temp gauge never moves once its at operating temp.
The factory radiator is a 2-core and I do not think that the lower tank has the room for a 3-core. Might change the lower tank to build a 3 core, but I really don't want to do that.
The factory radiator is a 2-core and I do not think that the lower tank has the room for a 3-core. Might change the lower tank to build a 3 core, but I really don't want to do that.

Hey Matt,

How you been? I run a 160, I know people say it doesn't make any difference but mine runs cooler with the 160 than the 180. I had a shop in Harriman, TN rework my 22" radiator into a three core, I hoped that would fix all my problems, it helped but still gets hot when sitting in traffic for 20+ minutes without moving on hot 95+ degreee days.

One last thought 200 is not that hot.I would not worry to much,in heavey traffic 210 to 230 would be a concern.I had a BB in a 66 beaumont that would climb up to 240 in heavey traffic than would cool down to 200 never over heated and the new owner still drives it this day he has had the car now for 10 years now.
Maybe i worry to much? I just don't want to do any harm to my engine...
Thanks for all the help, I am going to change a few things and i will let you know how it goes. Hello, to you as well TNplumber ! Matt