These Kids Are Smart



Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2006
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I got this in an email....

At a High School in Montana, a group of high schoolers
played a prank on the school. They let three goats loose in the school.
Before they let them go they painted numbers on the sides of the goats. 1,2,4.

Local school administrators spent most of the day looking for #3.
My father loved to tell me this story when I was younger..

He went to highschool in California, and they had an open "outdoors" campus. Basically, each classroom was in a seperate building or trailer, including the administrations office.

The administration office has a recessed entry door, and brick walls. So, during the last week of school, him, his brother (my uncle), and a few friends loaded up the back of a ranchero with bricks and mortar. At 2am on a friday night, they drove onto the school campus and proceeded to brick over the entrance to the administration offices.

Come monday morning, the bricks were set. As were the teachers and principal, and AP's. Nicely settled outside the administration office, wondering how the hell they were going to get in. Apparently, at the end of the workday, each teacher locks his or her classroom, then returns their keys to the office. So, all the classrooms are locked tight, and the keys are behind a locked cabinet, behind a locked door, behind a fresh brick wall.

A few hours later, some one managed to get a few sledgehammers from home and proceeded to knock a big enough hole through the wall to get into the office, and have the schoolday officially start.
That's a good one. Beats anything we did. A couple snakes turned loose in classrooms.

There was one day that our football strength coach really hacked off most of us starting linemen. When he came out of his office to go home, he was always the last to leave after practice, he found his little Toyota pickup inside the gym, standing on its rear bumper, leaning up against the wall, between two Coke machines.