This milk is good!



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FABO Gold Member
Dec 26, 2006
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I'm not supposed to be drinking it but figured I'd take a sip but it's hard not to gulp it!

I never liked mixing mint with chocolate

I dont like my snacks to taste like toothpaste
I still eat ice cream but stopped drinking milk (and soft drinks) many years ago. The only time milk gets used around my place is if cooking something that requires mac and cheese and then that'll get chili mixed in too. :)
I love chocolate but not mint. Call me strange.
I love milk, real milk.
Back when I was 12-13 (63-64), we went on a road trip with an aunt (dad's sister), her youngest son (cousin), dad and I and we stopped for a break and something to eat. Before moving on, we all got ice cream and my younger cousin got a triple scoop of peppermint ice cream. He was always a hog lol. It wasn't long after woofing it down it came back up on him. Can't stand the stuff to this day lol!

The wife and I are down from 10 gallons a week to 4 or 5. Yes, I love milk. With Pasta, Pizza, cheeseburgers...
Use to always get a vanilla shake with a burger.....but, not anymore but might once in a blue moon.