Tips and tricks through the ages


Brooks James

VET, CPT, Huey Medevac Pilot
FABO Gold Member
Dec 12, 2020
Reaction score
Fruitland Park Fl
Decarbonize you engine with water

The thickness of a paper match book
As a starting point for points adjustment

Put moth balls in your gas tank

Get a 3/4 cam

Desperate to light a cigarette, use accelerator pump to squirt a little gas on the tip, coil wire arc to light it ( I actually did that once)

Bleach for burnouts

Spark plugs , fuel, injected in pipes for flame thrower

Others ??
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Rope trick, to keep valves in place while removing valve spring keepers

Rope trick to install window glass seals
A remote control model airplane propeller and engine mounted on the carburetor throat stud to force air in.
Good for an extra 10 hp. lol
The whole "3/4 cam" bit goes WAY back, to when Isky first started making cams. From mild to hot, they were 3/4 race, 3/4 full race, and full race. Later, there were 3/4, Road and Drag, and Super Road and Drag. Etc, etc.
Bleach for a burnout is a terrible idea. Bleach is highly corrosive to steel.
Friend of mine who wrenches mainly on Studebakers these days had a Hawk in for some work. When he finished, took it on a test drive. Heard an awful racket from the rear of the car, looked and looked, finally figured out it was something rolling around loose in the gas tank. Got it out - it was a lead ball. Owner had put it in the tank because someone told him it would add lead to the gas.