Today is a good day!



Too many projects
Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver Island, Canada
I work a kilometer underground in a uranium mine on night shift, and just getting into the end of my 3 week shift. They've been doing pressure testing on some instrumentation the last few days, bringing the PSI up to 185. Typically they allow 125 people underground at once, but tonight they only allowed 75 people. The foreman came to us saying there is too many people tagged in underground, and that 6 people need to go up. They drew names out of a hat, and I was chosen. At first I was choked because today is an overtime day, so 12 hours of OT I'd be missing isn't cool. Then I found out I'll be getting paid as if I was working. Whoohoo! Now I can catch up on some sleep and get paid for it!
Sleepin and glowin in the dark the whole time.