tomorrows dinner

We get some nice Crawdads around here in the creeks.
Not that big though, but 5-6 inches.
Nothing better than fresh seafood! Lobster is good but I am partial to fresh clam myself.

I'm guessing they're mostly just under 2 lbs? They look like a good eating size. Wish I could come to dinner. The lobsters they sell here just aren't the same, I think it's because they have been out of the ocean for too long.
these are canner size just under a pound and our market size is just over a pound to 10 plus pounds
Yum...Me and Dad have em over for dinner alla time with corn on the cob...
they are great with corn on the cob
Now that's what I call a meal Aaron. I don't have a lot of moose left over from last year but maybe we can work a trade.

hey jack anytime i luv the moose meat better than beef :)