Took the niece out shooting and got a nice surprise at the end



1971 Dodge Dart Swinger
May 10, 2011
Reaction score
Williams Lake, BC, Canada





And then the surprise on the way home!




Very cool.I took my grandson shooting for the first time a few weeks ago and the dang kid shot better than me....with iron sights no
Very cool...

My dad taught us to shoot when we were young also...
Nice. Great pics! My daughters are both really good shots. Started the with Red Riders from "Santa" at 9yo. Now at 15yo they're plinking away with 44 mags and 12 gauges. Mom's a pretty good shot too.
I think everyone should be able to handle/shoot safely.

our children need to also understand that killing anything, is permanent. deer hunting here, like most places is huge. it is a sport. for some, it provides meat for large portion of the year. those that hunt deer, and don't eat venison, have it processed, and donated to the food bank. many ,many pounds of food for the needy.

without deer hunting, overpopulation and disease kills off the population.

shoot safely everyone....
Nice..... but it kind of looks like she has the barrel to her head in one picture..... just the way the picture shows... lol
What kind of "cat" is that in the pictures???


In Canada yall can have long guns just not handguns?

We can have handguns as well but we can only use them at shooting ranges

Nice..... but it kind of looks like she has the barrel to her head in one picture..... just the way the picture shows... lol

It sort of looks like it but the barrel is actually about 4 inches in front of her and pointed slightly away. :D
Very nice! Good to hear she's learning. It's important knowledge to grow up with. Also, nice shot of the Lynx! We have bobcats and the occasional cougar but getting photos of either is a tough challenge. Was it in the same location? I would have thought the noise would have sent it for the hills.
that is sweet

ive taken my six year old out a few times and let him shoot the .22
and of course we sit on the back deck and take out cans with the air rifle from time to time

gun control is something they should learn early on
the best way to keep them safe from gun accidents is teach them how they work and take away the curiosity
(curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back)
Very nice! Good to hear she's learning. It's important knowledge to grow up with. Also, nice shot of the Lynx! We have bobcats and the occasional cougar but getting photos of either is a tough challenge. Was it in the same location? I would have thought the noise would have sent it for the hills.

I was really surprised that he just stood there for 5 minutes or more watching us. He even got so bored he started yawning:


As for the location, it was driving home from where we were shooting out in the bush but not close enough it could hear the shooting.
Beautiful cat! Cool end to a day,of gun training. Thank You, for teaching her properly.
The smile on her face in pictures #2 & #3 is adorable. She looks like she's having fun...
My son is only 3, but I already picked up a rifle for him. I found a super deal ($100) on a pair of Henry Mini Bolts, and I can't wait until he is old enough to try it out. I hope he enjoys it as much as your niece did.
Kool pics.... that Lynx is a rare sight in Ontario.. you see tracks but the cat is elusive that's for sure