Torn Bicep Tendon



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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I did this Monday at work. I tore the tendon on the inside of your elbow lifting 40 lbs. My left arm is twice the size of my right, same with my hand. The doc thinks it's a partial tear because my bicep is still in position and not balled up at my shoulder.
Looks like surgery next week as they only have a 2-3 week window to fix it.
Anyone have that surgery done and what were your results, good or bad?


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holy crap that bruised up bad! I had major shoulder reconstruction surgery this year. Torn bicep, labrum and full rotator cuff tear. All went well with lots of physical training.

The first couple few months were tough getting movement back. I am about 8 months post op and it is near normal now. Still working on strength. I had a lot more damage and went nearly a year before doing surgery.

I would go through all this hell and do it again in a heart beat.
I just had 2 tears in the rotator cuff, skvectany and some degenerative tissue removed. Had to cut my bicep. Will be a year before I am back to normal. Cannot lift anything over my head at all and no strength reaching for something. Oh did I mention the burning pain in the bicep when I do to much that can bring you to your knees?

Would I do it again? NEVER. Take care of yourself so you wont have to. Ask the doc to look at your rotator.. If it is bad fix it now while they are at it.
My bicep was tendon, at the shoulder, was shredded. Doc just snipped it off. I have a ball just above the elbow. Depending on what I am doing sometimes it tries to work still...holy hell does that hurt....
Doc used what he called "heli-coils" to reattach my tendons to my shoulder. yeah it did hurt after recovery sometimes a lot, but now it feels better then before I hurt it. All the work was done arthroscopic with only three tiny slits.
Dude! That's gotta suck. Haven't had any issues like that but had a son playing minor league ball that went thru lots of crap. Don't rush the recovery. Even if you feel 100 percent, tendons and ligaments take time to fully heal. Ask my kid how he knows....
Wow! That looks painful. I had a partial tear in my bicep tendon almost 2 years ago. Mine wasn't even close to as bad as yours though. I went through physio for 9 months with very little effect, then decided to try a cortisone shot. After that, I was back to almost 100% within 6 weeks.

Good luck with the surgery and take your time with the recovery!
I ruptured bicep tendon a few years ago. I attempted to lift something and heard this loud pop and then the burning sensation. Worked with it like that for 3 months before I got it fixed. Had to wear a spring loaded brace and therapy 3 days a week. Out of work 8or 9 months....Hopefully its not the arm you wipe your *** with....
You did that with just 40 pounds? It had to have a tear already. Looks painful as hell. Hope you get it fixed up.
wow, that looks pretty darn bad, get it fixed asap. I torn both of my bicept tenons one year apart two or so years ago. it's amazing what you can and can't do with them now. sometimes the simplest movement causes them to cramp up. I have to stretch them out or turn my wrist down to stop it. I use free weights every day to strengthen them but no bicept curls only reverse and hammer curls every third day and it sure helps a bunch. my theory is it caused be not drinking enough water and/or taking antihistamines.
wow, that looks pretty darn bad, get it fixed asap. I torn both of my bicept tenons one year apart two or so years ago. it's amazing what you can and can't do with them now. sometimes the simplest movement causes them to cramp up. I have to stretch them out or turn my wrist down to stop it. I use free weights every day to strengthen them but no bicept curls only reverse and hammer curls every third day and it sure helps a bunch. my theory is it caused be not drinking enough water and/or taking antihistamines.

Bob, just wondering....can you still lift things over your head? Even since mine got snipped off I have to be careful with overhead stuff. Last time I got something off of a shelf in the garage I put my motorcycle helmet on...I have dropped things on my head....

I still have a bone spur in the clavicle joint. Surgeon I see said I have to live with it, with it being where it is located there is nothing they can do. She said if she goes in there to take it out she will solve one problem and create three more....good times...
Ouch !!!
That looks sucky !!!

Tore my Labrum and Rotator at work and if ya did it at work it's a Workman's Comp Claim.
I work for a huge company and they have all this fit for duty crap and then the PITA of dealing with the bureaucracy of a stupid Government agency so it's doctor then X-Rays then MRI then surgery then therapy. Since they have a policy of not allowing machinists to return on light duty I was off for 6 months. Also since I couldn't sleep in the bed with the arm in a sling for six months we had to set up a recliner for me to sleep in.Lots of painkillers and late night black and white movies in Hydrocordone Loopy Land. Careful on these they are very addicting and actually had to Cold Turkey my *** off of them.
Get it checked out ASAP and repaired (if Necessary right away)
I did mine and I waited too long. It is fixed but NOT even 50%

Good luck!
Thanks all for the words of encouragement, it means a lot.
I have a MRI on Friday and I hope that the doc's office can get me in early next week. From what I read you have a 2-3 week window to repair it. After that the tendon will be to short to reattach.
The doc told me to start getting the younger guys to do the lifting as my tendons don't
stretch like a 30 year old. I guess I have to face it, I'm not getting any younger.
I can't lift anything over my head. I can barely lift the weight of my arm up, it's really painful.
Wow, a lot of you guys have it worse than me, I feel for ya.
Bob, When I tore mine in my right arm it sounded like someone had folded a piece of paper up and stapled it and I could feel it popping one fold at a time. Luckily I only tore one of the tendon heads loose. I went to the specialist the same day it happened and they would have done surgery right then except when I went home I went ahead and ate some lunch. So they fixed it the next day. I had therapy several times a week and had to wear a brace on it all the time. It has healed very well and except for a couple of scars you would never know I had surgery.
Dang, I thought I had it bad! Between the OP and the rest of the walking wounded on here, I guess I got it easy. I only need to have the only thumb I have left operated on to remove this little bone next to your wrist and replace the joint padding that is gone with one of the tendons from my arm. 3 months of PT and recovery rate of 50-95% of strength. Most days it feels fine even though the bones are grinding together and some days I could scream.
I know a lot of people who have torn their biceps as I used to compete nationally in powerlifting and strongman (AKA world's strongest man)

It's something that you can heal 100% from. Not really a big deal. If you deadlift post recovery switch your grip so your injured arm is palm facing towards you.

Why are they operating if you didn't tear it off? (roll up style) You can tear vertically or horizontally (roll up style). I've never seen anyone get it operated on if they didn't' tear it off.
I know a lot of people who have torn their biceps as I used to compete nationally in powerlifting and strongman (AKA world's strongest man)

It's something that you can heal 100% from. Not really a big deal. If you deadlift post recovery switch your grip so your injured arm is palm facing towards you.

Why are they operating if you didn't tear it off? (roll up style) You can tear vertically or horizontally (roll up style). I've never seen anyone get it operated on if they didn't' tear it off.

I won't know for sure if it needs surgery until I see the surgeon next week.
Went and got an MRI today and just waiting for a dr's appointment.
This is what it looks like now.


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Been there, done that. I had labrum, bone spurs, etc. on right shoulder done last sept. Going back monday to get the good news that it hasen't healed. And I still have a 1.5 cm tear on my left shoulder to get fixed. AND my wife, who had back surgery back in april, has a partial tear on her right shoulder. Old injuries from car wrecks that never were diagnosed and repaired.
Its nice to see the swelling has gone done quite a bit. That bruise is damn big though. I am curious to see the MRI results. I hope you get it properly taken care of one way or the other! Wishing you the best of luck!!