Trailer cleaning ?



Well-Known Member
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Vernon, New Jersey
My trailer has an aluminum roof which causes oxidation which results in black streaks down the sides of the trailer. Anyone have any suggestions on what works best to clean the black streaks off?
My first job at the RV dealership I worked at was as a detailer. We always used Spray 9. It worked better than anything else for the money. Spray it on and then wash it after a few seconds.Take a towel and wipe the stuborn spots afterward but don't let the Spray 9 sit too lond dry, especially on decals. It will spot. Another thing to try once you have washed the trailer is Pledge. It removes those black streaks and waxes at the same time. It works surprisingly well.
Thanks for the tips guys. I'll get to work on it if it ever stops raining.

New Jersey is the Armpit of the East.
If Spray 9 doesnt work give me a call, 850-384-7266 ill tell ya how to get thiem back to how ya want thiem.