Trailer Park Boys



Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Pittsburgh, PA
Hey folks! Are any of you fans of Trailer Park Boys? They certainly have several Mopars on the show. I recently binge-watched several seasons and think they're hilarious!
Hey folks! Are any of you fans of Trailer Park Boys? They certainly have several Mopars on the show. I recently binge-watched several seasons and think they're hilarious!
One of my favorites. My brother introduced them to me several years ago. I ration mine out on Netflix so I don't blow through them so fast! I wear glasses and like cats so one of my buddies calls me "Bubbles" sometimes - I have to laugh :)

Ok, so we have a few fans here!
My wife, however is not a fan. The boys will be in my town 12/3, and I'm seeing their Christmas stage/comedy troupe show - Alone.
Anyone here see them live?
Great show! Haven’t seen it in awhile as it is no longer aired on the channels we get. “Shitnomi”
i'v seen them live a few times and have hung out and drank with them my wife went to school with j-Roc and he was her first boyfriend in grade 6 lol and my wife's niece was in the second movie . J.P and Rob are fairly quiet but Mike is always up to something and he can sing and play as good as any professional .

this is in Charlottetown PEI at the East Coast Music Awards .
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Love the show, my favorites were the ones with "Conky", Bubbles' ventriloquist's dummy and alter ego....

I got introduced to the show in a funny way... Senior year of high school I was taking AP Physics with a friend of mine, he would always invite me over to his house so we could do homework but it was inevitable after maybe 30 minutes to an hour we'd be getting blazed and watching Trailer Park Boys laughing our asses off. Didn't get a very good grade in that class LOL
i'v seen them live a few times and have hung out and drank with them my wife went to school with j-Roc and he was her first boyfriend in grade 6 lol and my wife's niece was in the second movie . J.P and Rob are fairly quiet but Mike is always up to something and he can sing and play as good as any professional

That's really cool. They seem like they would be a blast to hang out with.