Tranny removal process ?



66 Barracuda
Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score
Elgin, TX
The situation:
Parts car 73 Dart is in the driveway with the front end on jack stands and rear tires blocked. Engine has been removed and tranny is still sitting in the car. The driveway has a grade to it such that the car would easily roll backwards if left to its own devices.

My question:
I want to of course remove the tranny so I will remove the drive shaft and then remove the tranny cross member. If the e-brake is on and the back wheels are blocked then there shouldn't be any need for concern, correct?

I will be needing to roll the car backwards to put it on the curb so that I can finish the disassembly (removing rear axle assembly). I am not sure how I am going to accomplish this without any braking (having removed the front discs and the master cylinder already). Any ideas?

I am basically just doing a sanity check here to make sure that things are done in a safe and orderly way. All thoughts/suggestions are welcomed.
When in doubt, double up on your safety features and bodies helping you out. I would use multiple chalks and if you feel really uneasy about working on an incline, you could always place another vehicle (ie. and older truck, etc.) right behind it. Having extra eyes and hands there never hurts either.
Use the emergency/parking brake & some friends, and keep some bricks or something handy to toss behind the wheels if the car tries to get away. I actually towed my car over a mile once with only the hand brake functioning. Wouldn't recommend it.
you could always place another vehicle (ie. and older truck, etc.) right behind it.

good idea. that way if it does roll your only slightly hurting your own vehicle rather than having it go into the street and someone t-bone it and get hurt. another option would be to put a car in front of your roller and strap it to the rear of that vehicle, then you could use that car to ease your roller up and down the hill.
make sure that when you pull the driveshaft you watch very CLOSELY!! actually if you havent already, drain the fluid or youll get a face full of gear oil.
Thanks for the suggestions so far! I have already drained the tranny and will be sure to get a buddy to make sure everything is covered.