


Pissed off senior member.
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
East Renton,WA (Seattle)
I went and saw Transformers yesterday I am not a "fanboy" when it comes to movies but I got my tickets 2 days in advance and waited 2 hrs before the movie started. All I have to say is Holy ****!!!!
Even if you weren't a fan of the original cartoon and toys you need to see it just for the cool gearhead aspect of cars transforming into robots, the graphics, and the hot Austrailian blond. The movie was sponsered by GM :angry7: so it is full of GM cars and trucks about the only mopar you see is the back end of a Duster in the used car lot. It is 2 1/2 hrs long so don't get a large soda...I had to piss so bad at the end I had a headach!!!
If you were a fan of the original the only thing I will tell you is that Peter Curtin (the original voice of Prime)is the voice of Prime in the movie!!!
Me & my best friend are taking his 5 yr. old to see it tomorrow morning. The kid has been bouncing off the walls waiting to go. Me and my buddy will probably enjoy it too because much like primates, stick us in front of entertainment and we'll be mesmerized.:munky2:

And thanks for the large soda heads-up.
There were alot of people that brought their kids (including the five 3-6 year olds sitting infront of me, I had to kick the back of the seat to get 2 of them to be quiet and put their arms down) They do make one drug referance and say "****" a bunch of times. Just a heads up.
Is it a good verses evil and good win's.:cheers:
I have seen the pre views and it sure looks like a lot of good action
And great graphics.
I will look forward to seeing it soon. Thank's:toothy10:
I saw Transformers this morning: WOW! Having never been associated with anything to do with "Transformers" I was impressed. Decent story line and great special effects. L-O-N-G movie, but very entertaining.
I'm with you 360scamp, I'll be seeing it again this weekend.

and yeah Transformers IS the coolest GM commercial EVERR!!! :lol:
yeah that was a bad *** movie, too bad it wasn't sponsored by chrysler, i would have liked to see the cars be a 70 chalenger turn into a 2008 challenger, instead of that camaro thing that happend. i got all happy when i saw the duster in the used car lot
Took the kids last night to see this movie as well. I didn't know anything about the Transformers but enjoyed the movie. I thought there was something for everyone. Thought the same thing why not a Challenger. Chrysler missed the boat on this one.
Same here guys, I would have liekd to have seen a Challenger instead of the Camaro.

Live Free or Die Hard was a good movie, plenty of action every minute. But since I was a Lego's kid that always watched Transformers and read about them, they are the winner.