
The taller knuckle "cover yer ***" journalism is absolute bullcrap. I run ONLY the FMJ spindles on my a-body cars. Lots of other do as well. They have some significant benefits over the as designed "safer" a body spindles... :)

The over-angling is a red herring scare that has never been proved and even the author of the article that started the nonsense has said he's never heard of such a failure. If the ball joints were built that close to the design limits, the lawsuits from them being used in original applications would have been numerous. Here's a number for you IIRC, 3 degrees.

I've never had a ball joint failure using the FMJ's... Does going up into and coming down from a bumper dragging wheelstand stress them? :)

And are you lowered mopar guys cutting the bumpstops, I doubt the "engineers" would approve of that. LOL
The more willful ignorance I see, the more I start to think that all modified cars should require a full inspection (up to and including a full teardown) by an engineer before being used on any public road.
So you think Dr. Diff is willfully ignorant. That's rich.
I think anyone who thinks he/she is smarter than the Chrysler engineers that designed the front ends on the car is willfully ignorant or just in deep denial.
I think anyone who thinks he/she is smarter than the Chrysler engineers that designed the front ends on the car is willfully ignorant or just in deep denial.

I bet you're an Obama sheeple, too.
I think anyone who thinks he/she is smarter than the Chrysler engineers that designed the front ends on the car is willfully ignorant or just in deep denial.

What's funny and interesting about this comment is that those same engineers designed that lighter more slender spindle for a heavier vehicle with different requirements and certainly more load bearing capability, and the ball joints used are the same size in those vehicles. Furthermore, it has zero to do with 'thinking oneself to be smarter than the Chrysler engineer that designed the front end parts'...those same type of engineers designed the 9" /6 front drum spindles...and I've read plenty on those that states they're unsafe above 40mph...

There's no deep denial, there's no willful ignorance either...just because one guy says it's not advisable doesn't make it "the rule" for the rest of us. Especially when he gave no substantiating documentation proving said assertion to be unsafe, and there is documentation and practical testing to substantiate that swap is within useful and safe parameters.

73-76 disc spindles are starting to get a little tough to find, and if the FMJs are a useful and comparable alternative...

Are either you or jos51700 materials or structural/automotive design engineers? Or are you just here to scaremonger? Both of you are asserting what you believe to be correct along with an over-measured dose of disdain toward other've said your peace, and you're not winning any arguments...time to exit stage left.