Trunk Torsion Bar Adjustment



Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
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I'm looking to increase the amount of "lift" so my trunk will stay open. It has a heavy spoiler on it now. I see that there are three slots on each side of the hinge. Currently, the torsion bar is in the slot that is closest to the rear of the car. Is this the "maximum" setting? If not, are there any tricks/suggestions for moving it?
Thanks, Bill
I used a pry bar. It's easier if you get in the trunk and let the deck lid down to take tension off the rod. You'll need a drop light to see what you're doing. Don't let the deck lid close, unless you have someone outside helping to let you out - or remove the latch temporarily.

Be very careful, that sucker is under a lot of tension. It will snap back if it slips off the pry bar. Put it into the holes toward the front of the car and that should work fine for holding up the heavy deck lid. We did it on my son's Dart Sport after installing a go-wing.

Thanks for the tips/instructions. They were great!