Trying to track down my dad's 70 Duster (Bay Area, CA)



New Member
Jun 20, 2013
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Bay Area, CA
Hi everyone,

Newbie to the forum here, but I was hoping you guys might be able to help me out.

My dad was the owner of a 70 Duster when I was a wee lad. He passed away when I was 13 (16 years ago), but before he died, he had entrusted the car to a friend of his, as he had fallen on tough times.

After he passed, I never saw the car again and I have no idea how to begin trying to track it down.

I know that it's a 1970, painted chartreuse before he got it, and painted forest green with silver striping after he bought it. It was originally a 318, but he bored it out a bit.

I don't have the Vin or the license plate, but I have his full name and SSN. Would that be enough to get records from the DMV?

Any info would be appreciated, and if anyone is in the Bay Area (the guy lived in San Mateo when my dad had him take the car) and might have seen it around, please me know. Thank you!
After about 7 years, if the car isn't in the system, it gets purged.

Without the VIN, DMV won't help you and the Rebecca Shaefer killing and subsequent law restricted access to any files. No vin will make it difficult to track down.
I heard a story once about a guy who found his Grandfather's Cadillac. He had an old photo and the Cadillac was in the background with the license plate visible. I think he took the plate number to Secretary of State (this was in Michigan) and they gave him info on it or something. Like I said this was in Michigan. Good luck to you!
After about 7 years, if the car isn't in the system, it gets purged.

Without the VIN, DMV won't help you and the Rebecca Shaefer killing and subsequent law restricted access to any files. No vin will make it difficult to track down.

That's what I was afraid of. I don't have any of his paperwork about the car, and I never knew the name of the guy who took the car. it either got tossed when his apartment was cleaned out, or lost in various moves since then. I have a number in my head for what I THINK the license plate was, but I have no way to confirm.

I don't want to just go 'welp no vin, time to give up' but I'm just not sure what else to do.
Start asking mopar people in the area if they remember the car.
Start asking mopar people in the area if they remember the car.


Go to car shows and start asking. Maybe take out an ad. Won't be easy but strange things have happen. Someone might come forward. Always worth a try. Good Luck!!