


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2010
Reaction score
Newark DE
I voluntarily left my job as a mechanic about two weeks ago. Had enough of working with a buch of kids who are clueless when it comes diagnosing or actually repairing a car. Parts hangers and hook up fhem money flushing machines. Only went back to wrenching 40 hours a week so I could get a mortgage. Never again! Moved out of pennsylvania to delaware.got a 30 year fixed at 3.5* and a sweet house with 28'x30' garage. Just installed a lift and got all my tools home too.
I voluntarily left my job as a mechanic about two weeks ago. Had enough of working with a buch of kids who are clueless when it comes diagnosing or actually repairing a car. Parts hangers and hook up fhem money flushing machines. Only went back to wrenching 40 hours a week so I could get a mortgage. Never again! Moved out of pennsylvania to delaware.got a 30 year fixed at 3.5* and a sweet house with 28'x30' garage. Just installed a lift and got all my tools home too.

Well sounds like a congratulations is in order.. so congratulations on being unemployed, odd as it sounds lol. Jealous of the size of your garage. Mine is 16x24 and just not big enough. Enjoy it all.
One of my older friends always said that there were "parts changers, and then there are mechanics" and he refused to let me diagnose something simply by changing out this or that. He is an excellent mechanic, and has always been able to help me with anything, and since i met him, I have never been that way again - so I know what you mean. I work with incompetent people all the time where I work too. Hopefully you do well without it, or go on to find something better,
One door closes another one opens, things are looking up job wise now a days, keep an ear to the ground and the pimp hand strong. :D
thanks.I am very happy right now. The taxes on the house in pennsylvania are just insane! It took a long time to find the place in delaware but I love it. The property borders white clay state park on two sides but only a mile or two to downtown Newark. My old garage was 24'x24' and that was too small.I also have enough room to put an 18' shipping container next to it. The house was built in the 40's and I am just sbout done refinishing the hardwood floors.
Hey, Welcome to Delaware, the low property taxes are great I live around the Glasgow area maybe I will see you at some of the cruise nights!