Up date on my brake problim



Mopar Nut
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Belleville Canada
Ok I just ordered front backing plates and 69 wheel cylinders,too much daze and confession on my part,I am very sorry for being such pain,I think after this I may give up the hobby I so love:sign3:this way the next owner will no whats he is geting,or just up grad to disk witch I should of done first:banghead:,live and learn.
Snake, try starting a log book for all of the things you can remember about your car. Go over the list every few days or so and get your brain working in those areas where the memory is difficult. Then add to the log as you remember stuff. Do simple stuff to your car and add to the log. My 65 year old sister suffered a stroke a year ago and she has made a lot of progess in her recovery. She used to be a great and quick Scrabble player. Her game is coming back every month that we play. She is near where she used to be as a player. She has returned to making jewelry as a hobby and her manual dexterity has gotten better over the last few months. She is not as fast as she used to be but she is no longer getting frustrated over her efforts. She still takes a daily walk in the morning to get the blood moving.Please try to be patient with your self. You will improve over time. Don't give up.God Bless You and your wife.Art
Just hang in there buddy, it WILL get better. Just take it one day at a time. I think the log book is a great idea for all of us as we all forget things and the log book would be a great reference for both us and future owners of our babies.