Update on Dee

tom, you are dee's strength in this terrible time. I pray for strength for the both of you.

I wish i was smart enough to be able to say the right thing, that could help in any way, but i'm not. I ask you both take strength in each of your selves, and ask for direction from those many that care.
Thanks for all the prayers and kind words. We are very blessed to have such a caring group of people from this forum. Dee and I were talking today about where this illness could lead to and we both have asked God to guide us and to handle this in his way. We pray every morning, and throughout the day and every night. We realize there is only so much the Dr's csn do at this time. I love my wife with all I am and will be beside her fighting for her no matter what. Thanks again everybody.
you know, you guys do not have to be a "member" of any particular church to ask a minister for guidance or anything.

I personally do not believe in trying to "push" religion on anyone. I do not expect everyone to share my beliefs and opinions. but I ask this, do not hesitate to expand your prayers further and please ask a minister for anything that is helpful in such a terrible time for your family.
We are not currently involved in any particular church right now. We left the last church we attended due to a conflict in the way the pastor who would preach about helping out the community would do nothing to help out the community.instead his family livrs in a 300k home. They are hypocriticalbut we currently. Have no church.
Tom, please let me just say this. the church is made of people, and by the nature of all of us human beings, we are not perfect, none of us. and yes, it is so easy for people to be hypocritical, including the pastor. the word of God is what matters.
in the Christian church, the job of the pastor is to explain the Bible and its meaning. seek the word of God thru the Bible, if of the Christian belief.
the word of God is what is important. people can disappoint us, or they can make all the difference in the world to us. I ask that you Tom and Dee find strength in your beliefs. . I must have the help of a pastor trained to interpret the Bible as I am not smart enough to do it on my own in general,
find strength in the love you have for each other. find comfort in the fact there are many people in this world that do care about you guys. I wish to could make everything alright. take care.
The doctors have confirmed what I knew but would not accept, Dee is terminal. She has vowed to fight this with all she is. Thanks for the prayers. Keep praying please, God can work miracles.
We are all hypocrites. You simply have to decide how much you are willing to forgive.
The doctors have confirmed what I knew but would not accept, Dee is terminal. She has vowed to fight this with all she is. Thanks for the prayers. Keep praying please, God can work miracles.

thinking of you and ur family
we are all terminal, we just don't know when or how. You have been and will continue to be in my prayers. Asking God to give you strength and courage to deal with everything you have on you at this time

So sorry. Praying for the entire family. Know it is especially tough for your teen daughter.

Very sorry to hear. I lost my mom to cancer last year.

I feel very sorry for your kids to have to deal with this.
The doctors have confirmed what I knew but would not accept, Dee is terminal. She has vowed to fight this with all she is. Thanks for the prayers. Keep praying please, God can work miracles.

As per Our contact Thom,
Your needs are on the Trumpets Prayer List...
--- 6 Continents of Prayer Warriors ---.

After WE talked 'Moms' was just printing up the current months edition,
" perfect timing " ... " last name spelling "...

Would be I was the Christ, but I am not , I, however am with You Brother...
Round two of chemotherapy had come. And Dee went through this round and the aftermath has been somewhat a rough go for her. The doctors is concerned because she dropped 18 lbs in three weeks so he changed up her chemo mix. She is still really weak and had had bouts of nauesa and vomiting. But she is eating and for the most part holding down foods. She is getting blood draws at least once weekly and is going back for more chemo on July 16.
Round two of chemotherapy had come. And Dee went through this round and the aftermath has been somewhat a rough go for her. The doctors is concerned because she dropped 18 lbs in three weeks so he changed up her chemo mix. She is still really weak and had had bouts of nauesa and vomiting. But she is eating and for the most part holding down foods. She is getting blood draws at least once weekly and is going back for more chemo on July 16.
Prayers sent,Tom. At least she is eating solid food,& chemo just hits so hard.
Sucks that you and your family has to go through this. Praying for everyone and be strong not just for yourself but for the kids.