Updated: Prayer Request

Thank you to all for your well wishes and prayers. Uncle Bud passed this morning. I hope it was very peaceful as those that sacrificed so much for our freedom deserve that and so much more. I plan to wear my uniform for his memorial service to honor him. He will be greatly missed.
Thank you to all for your well wishes and prayers. Uncle Bud passed this morning. I hope it was very peaceful as those that sacrificed so much for our freedom deserve that and so much more. I plan to wear my uniform for his memorial service to honor him. He will be greatly missed.

My Condolences and prayers to you and your family
Prayers being sent out to all the family and many many friends he had
Stand strong and proud for him and count all the many blessings he
has put in your families life, my condolences to all....What a great man
to be proud of, R.I.P Bud and thank you for all you have dun for our nation
You will never be forgotten.... Mike.
Prayers to you and your family.

All too many Americans have no inkling what a living Hell those POWs went through in the Philippeans after the surrender. I hope he had a good life after that ordeal.
thank you for sharing this hard time with us and prayers and best wishes to you and yours
Another WW 2 hero gone. We owe so much to these gallant men who loved their country enough to be willing to die for it, and millions did. As General George Patton is quoted as saying "We should not mourn these men who died, rather we should thank God that such men lived." I say amen to that. Thank God that your uncle lived.

Another WW 2 hero gone. We owe so much to these gallant men who loved their country enough to be willing to die for it, and millions did. As General George Patton is quoted as saying "We should not mourn these men who died, rather we should thank God that such men lived." I say amen to that. Thank God that your uncle lived.


X2,...couldn't have said it better,...Condolences to all who knew him,...