Upholstery options?



Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2010
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So I was originally gonna go with some resto upholstery through legendary auto interiors, and get the same original seat upholstery that the dart had, butttt....

As time has gone on, my plans have gone further and further away from a restoration, and more towards modding it. I have pretty much decided though that the car will never have AC, and I live in fresno where it gets up to 110, 112, 115 in the hottest days of the summer. This makes leather or vinyl seats a problem, and that's the only stuff legendary sells for my seats, so here is my question.

Anyone know of a company that makes some nice fabric upholstery for a 65 dart? I definitely thinking I'm going to be making the seats cloth when I finally get around to it, but I need somewhere to get it at.

Thanks FABO.
Google up 'auto upholstery shops fresno ca' and you will find a bunch.

Go have a chat with a few of them about cloth inserts.