use the weight or loose the weight?



Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2010
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so cal
bone stock 74' dart, 318 w/ 904. the trans has the giant piece of cast iron bolted to the tailshaft to, i guess, cancel NVH. wondering how much it really helps

I would ditch it. Why carry around about 10# of extra ballast, I doubt you will notice any difference in noise or vibration.
It wouldnt hurt to take it off and see if you get any noticable vibrations and if you do just stick it back on man, no harm no foul. IMO
it's off right now, and as usual for one of these with some things replaced/rebuilt and others not, it's not bad, but i might bolt it back on to see if i notice anything

thanks all
We need to come up with something to do every time an old thread comes back from the dead. Like when you played drinking games in our youth and there was a “social” where everyone at the table had to take a shot or chug the rest of their beer. Maybe every time an old thread is revived, there could be an alert and everyone has to take a shot! Just another reason to drink I guess.

I might have a problem.......
We need to come up with something to do every time an old thread comes back from the dead. Like when you played drinking games in our youth and there was a “social” where everyone at the table had to take a shot or chug the rest of their beer. Maybe every time an old thread is revived, there could be an alert and everyone has to take a shot! Just another reason to drink I guess.

I might have a problem.......
I'm in! Shot in progress!