Uugghhh! It's early this year!

yuck! i hope you're putting that car inside.
We are only supposed to get an inch or so, though we have that already and it is still coming down, but it's not really sticking to the streets. Tomorrow the temp should be around 50 degrees. Still some driving time left.
yep here to, i dont miss it.......6-10 inches came and went


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High today here was 72 and cold front blowing in tonight will bring us to 47.
I could not deal with that white stuff.I do not know how you all do it.
Yeah it freaken stinks. Soon as I really get into enjoying my car it seems like the season is over with. Gas prices come down but then its not daylight as long and then that snow comes.

The snow be better if it wasn't so freaken cold outside
We haven't gotten snow yet but I have a feeling it won't be long.
We are only supposed to get an inch or so, though we have that already and it is still coming down, but it's not really sticking to the streets. Tomorrow the temp should be around 50 degrees. Still some driving time left.

unless they salt the roads then your driving season is over!
Well yesterdays snow is all melted,now we are supposed to get a Nor'easter this weekend with a chance of 6 to 10 inches of snow tomorrow night. Then the temps are going to be in the 50's next week.
wow, I'm sure glad I'm not down in the States where the winters are so bad.

(kidding, kidding- I know it'll hit here soon enough:D)