ventilating som frustration



street racer
Mar 13, 2005
Reaction score
ok today my pregnant girlfriend left me after i said that she had to shoose betwen trying to help me a litle insted of just saying do this and that and its all your fault or leave me alone forever.
found a broken engine mount more pieces of broken stuff inside my gearbox and had a realy bad day at work....
can a day bee more useless?

Sorry to hear that **** is happening to you, but ya know what I hoist one for you to have a better day tomarrow. I know how you feel i just recently left my girlfriend for pretty much the same reasons you told yours to make a choice.
No matter what it can always be worse.

Sorry about your situation.
A pregnant woman can act all kinds of weird for
no apparent reason except they are a pregnant woman or just a woman.
I slept on the couch at my fathers for a week when my wife was pregnant. Hormones, Just bite your upper lip for awhile.
thanks guys! il try to leave her alone untill she wants to talk to mee again whenever that happens, havent seen her at all today:(
Women can be touchy when pregnant. I have been trying to figure out my wife for 25 years ! Life can have its bad days but keep your head up and it will get better. Ron
trying to get it out of my head, still havent seen or heard from her, but i will go and watch some dragracing today wish will make me think about something else for a while, well its a beutifull day!
gues girlfriends arent made to bee understandable:(