Very serious accident in the family...

I must be too young to get the rabbit reference. Enlighten me?

Congrats though!!
I think they used to inject the bunny with the ladies urine
If the lady was pregnant, her urine contained hormones that would kill the bunny

If the bunny survived, the lady was not pregnant

I think that's the jest of it
ok, so i googled it and i guess the hormone enlarges the rabbits ovaries
so in order to see if the lady is pregnant, you need to kill the bunny, remove the ovary and measure it
ok, so i googled it and i guess the hormone enlarges the rabbits ovaries
so in order to see if the lady is pregnant, you need to kill the bunny, remove the ovary and measure it
Yep, the rabbit always died...whether the woman was pregnant or not.
Yep, the rabbit always died...whether the woman was pregnant or not.

I wouldn't have known that.

Been saying it all my life though!

How the hell do they get the rabbit in the little stick nowadays?
(I've told him that if he was as easy as his baby sister is, we would be on number 8 by now)
Oh, girls are easy at first, then its OMG!
Little girls are high maintenance! Give a boy some trucks and a dirt pile and they're content, girls, not so much.
When they get older, the drama is unreal!
Boys don't like each other, they just don't talk to one another, girls will talk trash about each other.
You'll see!
(big red X because i dont want to hear it)
