Vinny passed away this morning.

John and ABB, I am so very saddened to read this news today. I always enjoyed reading your posts with Vinny and Lex helping you work on the cars. Tears are streaming down my face as I type this to you guys......Condolences and don't worry about not feeling like yourself, it's perfectly normal. Pets are members of the family.

I feel like FABO lost a mascot.....RIP Vinny :sad11:

Thank You for writing 6pk2goDemon,
The 2 things keeping me going sense I lost my job in 08 was FABO and Vinny.
When I got layed off, I didn't know what to do. I started working on our cars not realizing that the cars and FABO was going to be most of my future.
There was no one around on those long solo work days except Lex and Vinny. I had just descovered FABO, had time to work the cars. Had printing and publication background. I hated dry no humor, how to tech reads, so I got the idea to have Vinny and Lex help out on a regular basis. After the first few post I realized FABO liked Vinny and lex helping me and my low budget, daily driving restores! So Vinny and lex became a mainstay in my restore threads here on FABO, first with Fern and now with Lump.
Vinny even got used to all the pic taking while I was working on cars!
Some FABO members would ask about them if I didn't post pics of them too.
I kind of feel like he knew he was helping by not making repairs so serious and so we treated our restore threads like entertainment. He made car reapirs fun. Lex too. They always mill around while I'm working. Vinny was different though. He liked to lay right under my feet while I was working. I'm now sad to say that sometimes I yelled for him to get out of the way, I'm in a hurry, MOVE!!
I wish I'd just let him lay there bugging me. more often though I needed him to move due to flying debris from sanders and grinders and welders.

I guess what I'm driving at is this, I was starting to feel like he was FABO's mascot too!

6pk2goDemon, Again thanks for writing. It's great to know that there were people out there he never met in person, but his personality shown through the digital media enough to touch so many people here on FABO.
Our family condolences to our to you and your family. We're sorry for your loss.
Dogs are special. We're both 'dog people' and love our two "fur kids" like they were our own flesh and blood.
Always keep the good memories close to your heart. That's the way our loved ones live on with us forever until we're all able to meet again.
Vinny is now in the "land of the slow squirrels" and waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

WOW! I am not sure what to say. I am lost for words because all I can do is tear up as I read this. Thanks for the post.
I know I haven't posted my feelings about Vinny on here but John has said it all. I am trying to focus on homework right now but it is really hard. I have been trying to block it all out so I can get my research paper done which is half of my grade completed but I can't concentrate. Poor Lex I don't know what to do with him. Every time he goes outside he goes straight to the car and starts looking all around then he starts to cry. He doesn't understand where his best friend is. As I am typing this he is laying on the floor crying. in his sleep. I was having him a birthday party tomorrow with a bacon chicken doggie cake. It was going to be Vinny, Lex, and RIP partying down.
Sorry to hear of your loss, this world is made up of many dimensions we only see a few.
Vinny is still with you my friend.


Thank You Kenny,
I know he is. I see him everywhere here at this damn house. He totally made this property his, even more than mine.
It was really nice that you took time to write, Thank You.
I need all the help I can get right now.
I don't think I realized how much he identified who I was.
For the last ten years every decision we made in some way had something to do with him and Lex. Down to the cars we were getting.

I almost bought a Dodge Caravan at auction a couple weeks ago, with a wheel chair lift so I could transport him when things got bad like today. I didn't bid on the van because everyone at the auction wanted the young man in the wheel chair to win that van, and he did too!! 2000 Caravan, 150K miles sold for opening bid of $500.00. His bid was first and only bid and I wouldn't bid against him. If anyone else wood have I would have been first one on the dog pile of the bidder!

Thanks for writing us.
I am glad I got Vinny so involved here. I wll be able to pull up pics faster here than anywhere. I felt like FABO was a big part of his life lately too.
I know I haven't posted my feelings about Vinny on here but John has said it all. I am trying to focus on homework right now but it is really hard. I have been trying to block it all out so I can get my research paper done which is half of my grade completed but I can't concentrate. Poor Lex I don't know what to do with him. Every time he goes outside he goes straight to the car and starts looking all around then he starts to cry. He doesn't understand where his best friend is. As I am typing this he is laying on the floor crying. in his sleep. I was having him a birthday party tomorrow with a bacon chicken doggie cake. It was going to be Vinny, Lex, and RIP partying down.

ABB, I am so so sorry to hear this. I saw John's post this morning on Vinny's B-day thread and couldn't believe what happened. I thought no one would see it so I made another post only to find that John started one in the Mopar section. I changed the name of my thread to prevent any confusion with your guys thread. If there is anything else I can do please let me know. Would you like me to ask the mods to roll my thread into yours? I'd be happy to get that handled if you feel that would be more appropriate.
Our family condolences to our to you and your family. We're sorry for your loss.
Dogs are special. We're both 'dog people' and love our two "fur kids" like they were our own flesh and blood.
Always keep the good memories close to your heart. That's the way our loved ones live on with us forever until we're all able to meet again.
Vinny is now in the "land of the slow squirrels" and waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

God bless you ocdart.
I very much needed to hear that. A couple hours ago, I interupted ABB in her homework for finals (I shouldn't have) but I went out there from out of no where, blubbering about how a dog as good as vinny and other peoples loved pets didn't have souls and I just couldn't believe God would just let him be nothing now!
He was too complex to have nothing there but his body!

When he was sedated for Xray I moved an ear open to me and wispered to him not to go anywhere, just wait for me, I'll be along soon. I'm not that far behind you Vinny and I'll look for you as soon as I pass.
I think he did hear me.

Thank you very much for writing to us. You are a very kind person to make time from your day for us.
I miss Socket very bad now, I know how sad this must feel, I love my four legged friends and Vinny put many smiles on my face and warmed my hart to see him in your post's.
Reading this thread makes me want to spend even more time with Buddy my 22 month old Boxer that fills my day with joy and exercise, and responsibility to give him all he needs, But there is always more I could do, letting him set with me and keep a sharp eye out on anything around me here on the hill.
Socket was my loyal friend until I lost him and it hurt when he past, Buddy is not taking his place in my life he is adding a new place in my hart.
I wish I had words to ease your hart but there is nun, Just reading this thread puts Socket back in my mind of all the great times he gave me and my family.
We are blest to have loved such great friends and so unconditionally

My condolences to all that was touched by Vinny :sad4: and thank you for letting him in to my life when you could.
Dan i know how you feel as i lost my best friend of 14 + years on Superbowl sunday.Although i did get to spend his last minutes in my arms.It brings tears to my eyes just thinking of how your must feel not getting that special time.He must of been your world.I am posting a pic of my buddy Kramer taken just hours before he passed away.I know his memory will both warm you and bring a tear each time you think of him.Rest in peace....


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I miss Socket very bad now, I know how sad this must feel, I love my four legged friends and Vinny put many smiles on my face and warmed my hart to see him in your post's.
Reading this thread makes me want to spend even more time with Buddy my 22 month old Boxer that fills my day with joy and exercise, and responsibility to give him all he needs, But there is always more I could do, letting him set with me and keep a sharp eye out on anything around me here on the hill.
Socket was my loyal friend until I lost him and it hurt when he past, Buddy is not taking his place in my life he is adding a new place in my hart.
I wish I had words to ease your hart but there is nun, Just reading this thread puts Socket back in my mind of all the great times he gave me and my family.
We are blest to have loved such great friends and so unconditionally

My condolences to all that was touched by Vinny :sad4: and thank you for letting him in to my life when you could.

Thank You Memike for writing. You have been really nice to ABB and I, Lex and Vinny too.
Sorry it took so long for me to get back but I had a sudden shut down and ABB found me in bed asleep to wake me up for dinner. Not much eaten there. Was pacing the floors not know what to do. After she got done eating I talked her into going out with me to give Lex a bath.
Lots of mental attacks around here right now. Tore down a ramp, washed dog bowls and put away.
I tried to work on Lump but I really can't concentrait on stuff. My ocd disappeared. I usually do things exactly the same. I can't seem to find any of my usual ways of doing stuff. It's all different. My dislexia has come back with a vengence and I'm having a hard time typing without letters switched around. I keep having to correct words everywhere.
ABB went upstairs for bed Lex usually goes up there early too. Really big and lonely in my office right now. No snoring, No legs kicking my chair while he was dreaming. No dog farts going on while I'm in here on FABO now! I think that might be a silver lining there.

Thanks for being a friend to us on here at FABO. Always love hearing from you memike. I'm really looking foward to meeting you soon.
Have a good evening, and I'll be meeting you soon.
So many people don't realize how powerful the loss of a pet, especially a dog, can be.
I'm very sorry to read this. I can empathize with your emotional state. I felt exactly the same way when my dog passed after 17 years. It truly broke my heart. It's been 3 years now, and I still miss her.
My condolences.
Dan i know how you feel as i lost my best friend of 14 + years on Superbowl sunday.Although i did get to spend his last minutes in my arms.It brings tears to my eyes just thinking of how your must feel not getting that special time.He must of been your world.I am posting a pic of my buddy Kramer taken just hours before he passed away.I know his memory will both warm you and bring a tear each time you think of him.Rest in peace....

Awe, Thank You Arco440,
Kramer looks beautiful, I've always loved the brindle coats.
I am sorry for your loss also. WOW you had 14 years!!
You were blessed.
Thank you for being so kind as to write to us.
It has made my day alot easier knowing sombody out there cares about us.
I didn't mean to just dump on FABO, but I keep thinking there is someone who knew him that should know what happened. The majority of our friend count is here on FABO. We don't get out much, and personally, if I'm not woking on cars, I can be found on FABO.
Alot of people would always mention Vinny and ask about him here so thats waht led me to start a thread.

Thank You for writing and extending friendship to me and my family. You and FABO will never know how much this means to me.
If I can help with anything parts or otherwise, PM me.
Thanks again Arco440.
John, Deepest heartfelt condolences on the loss of your best friend:

I wish someone had given Jesus a dog.
As loyal and loving as mine.
To sleep by His manger and gaze in His eyes
And adore Him for being divine.

As our Lord grew to manhood His faithful dog,
Would have followed Him all through the day.
While He preached to the crowds and made the sick well
And knelt in the garden to pray.
It is sad to remember that Christ went away.
To face death alone and apart.
With no tender dog following close behind,
To comfort its Master's Heart.
And when Jesus rose on that Easter morn,
How happy He would have been,
As His dog kissed His hand and barked it's delight,
For The One who died for all men.

Well, the Lord has a dog now, I just sent Him mine,
The old pal so dear to me.
And I smile through my tears on this first day alone,
Knowing they're in eternity.
Day after day, the whole day through,
Wherever my road inclined,
Four feet said, "Wait, I'm coming with you!"
And trotted along behind.
So many people don't realize how powerful the loss of a pet, especially a dog, can be.
I'm very sorry to read this. I can empathize with your emotional state. I felt exactly the same way when my dog passed after 17 years. It truly broke my heart. It's been 3 years now, and I still miss her.
My condolences.

My condolences to you too for your loss.
I'm sure there is someone out there thinking I'm wierd. I'm out of it due to my doggie passing. I really didn't realize how much he defined who I was subconciously. LOL! even in real surface life too. At the campgrounds we were the weird people with the BIG skateboarding dog in the small camper.
Thanks for writing Frankie.
keep your chin up and I'll try to do the same.
John, Deepest heartfelt condolences on the loss of your best friend:

I wish someone had given Jesus a dog.
As loyal and loving as mine.
To sleep by His manger and gaze in His eyes
And adore Him for being divine.

As our Lord grew to manhood His faithful dog,
Would have followed Him all through the day.
While He preached to the crowds and made the sick well
And knelt in the garden to pray.
It is sad to remember that Christ went away.
To face death alone and apart.
With no tender dog following close behind,
To comfort its Master's Heart.
And when Jesus rose on that Easter morn,
How happy He would have been,
As His dog kissed His hand and barked it's delight,
For The One who died for all men.

Well, the Lord has a dog now, I just sent Him mine,
The old pal so dear to me.
And I smile through my tears on this first day alone,
Knowing they're in eternity.
Day after day, the whole day through,
Wherever my road inclined,
Four feet said, "Wait, I'm coming with you!"
And trotted along behind.

Gosh, taht is so nice dustermaniac.
Thank You so much.
Time and time again you prove to me how great of a person you are.
Thank you once again for ALWAYS beeing there for us.

I hope and pray things worked out for you and living/working conditions.
I'll need to revisit you thread. I've just been so spaced the last few days and my priorities have been a little off lately too.

Friends and Familys wellbeing first and foremost!
All else is just BS and doesn't mean a thing.
It's how well you treat family, friends, other people. That's the most important things in life.

i've said it before and I'll say it again, You are 1 great dude!!!
your friend, John.
Very sorry for your loss. Vinnie was lucky to have you for ten years. I know from your posts that he had a full life full of love.DD
sympathies for your loss ... i was there just over a year ago ... the hert will stop man .. but u will still think bout him .... i was not here when mine passed on
Sorry to hear, my condolences to you and ABB.

Seems like yesterday i noticed and asked about him not being in the thread pics anymore.
He will be missed by the whole A-body community.
John and ABB, so sorry to hear about the loss of Vinny. Our pets give us that unconditional love and it always hits us that hard when we have to say goodbye. Somewhere up there Vinny is a young pup again slobbering all over his favorite chew toy. My condolences go out to you and yours. Johnny.
Instead of doing homework this morning I have playing on the computer and this is what I have been doing. I created two watercolor pictures from Adobe Elements.


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Sorry to hear about Vinny. They sure get a hold of you. I've had Dogs all my life and saying goodbye never gets any easier. Stay strong, we're all here for you.