Volcano photos

So is lightning a by product of the eruption? Maybe due to the static created by the ash particals rubbing against one another? Or is it a weather system created by hot/cold air mixing?
Those pics are amazing, the lightning ones are the best, thanks for sharing!
Has anybody studied thunderstorm clouds for evil faces? they occur in these volcano clouds too.:snakeman: lol



That sure does put it a all new perspective for me, That has got to be terrible for the folks close by and on the animals, Thank you for sharing Fankie
The unpronounceable Icelandic volcano is certainly giving a spectacular show. Since 1983, Kilauea has been putting on an almost nightly show as it dumps lava flows from alternating cones (Pu'u O'o, Kupaianaha, and back to Pu'u O'o) and the more recent ash plume from Halema'uma'u.

Has anyone else got any neat Kilauea pics that they (or family/friends) have taken?

09--lava meets the sea near Kalapana Hawai'i.jpg

13--stunning shot of steam & lava Kalapana Hawai'i.jpg

23--ash & 'vog' from Halema'uma'u crater Kilauea Hawai'i.jpg
Man. That reminds me so much of St. Helens.

I remember sitting in our living room and watching the 4' x 8' plate window wave back and fourth when St. Helens blew. We lived in Hansville (North tip of Kitsap county) and my dad was at the Spokane swapmeet when it went off. The guy in the stall next to him heard what happened and gave all his parts and trailer away to anyone that wanted them then took off because he lived near the base of Helens.
I would guess that the ash fallout will disrupt the environment for quite some time. I sure hope the farmers can still produce in those conditions. The horses are beautiful creatures. I love the long hair for the cold. Thanks for sharing those great pics