Want Work done on my 68 barracuda



Well-Known Member
May 13, 2006
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So I am by no means a mechanic but I was going too try and build my 68 barracuda. That was when it was just going too be a 440 727 car but when I got it home it snowballed into a huge project I got most the bodywork done but now I need my HDK k member put in and brakes put in and I want to get an RMS 4 link and new rear end. anybody in Alberta willing too help me out? Or even a good shop that can do the work for me? It is getting the GEN 3 hemi so I may need someone too cram an Overdrive tranny in as well lol. Basically I am too impatient to figure it out and want my car now:banghead:

PM me if you can help
Ha. Get patient or pay big bucks, Personally, I'd step up and learn your machine.
Well some of the stuff I will for sure try myself but right now I would rather pay the bucks to get some progress
If you were a bit closer, I could help you out. Ive done a few street rod set-ups.I dont know if you realize this, but even farming it out, it may not work out in the time frame youre hoping for. The bolt-in stuff goes fast, but fab work not so much. All the best to you, and try to be patient, lol.
I guess the patient problem I have is my bro is building a 440 coronet and he is getting ahead of me In his build lol old siblings rivalry