Wanted! *Good* 2 brl carb for 273

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I would run a search for SlantsixDan on slant6.org.

He has many NOS, OE carbs for sale, never installed units. He is big against the parts store reman units.
I have one that came off my 67 273 about a year ago and it WAS running fine then. If you can`t find one that`s fresh then contact me here and I`ll send you mine to try.
If you are still looking i have one I took off my 318 about 6 months ago with electric choke. It worked ok

I went to 4 barrel

pm me if you still need one
I just rebuilt mine that had been sitting outside for years unprotected. Thank you Colorado dry climate! kits are available at NAPA and mine was even in stock at the store. all you need is a can of carb dunk cleaner, some emery paper to gently clean the needles and take notes taking it apart, reassembly instructions aren't that great.
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