Weekend messin' around in the shop...



Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2007
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Howdy folks,
Been feeling a little less than 100% now for about a week with some type of stomach bug. Feel "ok" during the day, but come evening just start feeling poorly. Haven't had much solid food in about a week...
Anyhow, wanted to do a little shop organization and put some scraps to use. What follows, is my weekend in the shop. I had some scrap tubing that I think was salvaged from some room dividers that I cut up and welded back together.

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I think the tray was fashioned from the side of a washer, dryer or some type of appliance. It ended up the perfect size for me to store the plasma cutter and get it off my work bench.

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After that project was done I dug out some scrap pieces of roofing tin that I salvaged from a neighbor when they roofed their house this summer.

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These garden ornaments look pretty cool when they get painted up, I know that my mother will like them. Here are a few that we put up in our "pool garden" this summer.

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Wow......I love seeing scrap turned into art. How clever of you to use the folds in the sheet metal for the bug bodies :thumblef:
Wow!! That is some great engineering clhyer :cheers:
The plasma cuter tray/roll around is perfectooo :D
I hope you get ta feeling better soon, My wife has been feeling cruddy her self and when she seen this she loved it :glasses7:

Maybe know she will let me get a plasma cutter :cheers:

Very creative :cheers:
Thanks! As you can tell, I don't throw away much!!! We definitely got our money's worth from the pool. When the kids were small I think every kid in the neighborhood learned to swim in our back yard (and learned to ride "2 wheel" bikes on our barely sloping front lawn. When the kids left home and liner replacement time came I didn't see that it was being used enough, so, we "re-purposed" it.

Here are a couple more pics. The wolf is my favorite. One of the easiest to cut out & paint, this one is a refer door with the textured skin. It's very cool up close.

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The lizard is also refer door.

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As for the ribs in the roofing tin, it does make somewhat of a challenge to keep cutting uniformly.
I do enjoy fooling around with stuff like this. I have a plan for some frogs that use valves and rocker arms. I'll post up some pics when I get a set made. I have a few parts layin' around, I have to get my sandblaster back up & running. I loaned out the parts that make it work!

I would love to see pics of what others have done like this with scraps.