Weird stuff...

Oh, oh, Barney Frank is sure gonna be pissed when he learns his proctoscopy films leaked out!:bootysha:
The movie "The Blob" comes to mind. That is creepy as hell. :shock::shock:
I was in for either future lawyers or politicians but ...


Ed Buchan, environmental coordinator at the Raleigh Public Utilities Department, said staff biologists have confirmed that the “creature” is actually a colony of tubifex worms. The colonies attach themselves to roots that gradually work themselves into weak points in the pipes. “They seem to respond to the light from the camera,” Buchan said. “That light is pretty hot.”
The worms naturally occur in sewage and pond sediment and are actually sold both live and dried as fish food in pet stores. He said other staff members in the department have seen it before, although sightings aren’t particularly common. “I’ve seen a lot of sewer TV before and I’ve never seen them,” he said. “We were surprised. We didn’t know immediately what it was.”

I don't know man........that's no Tubifex that I've ever seen..........

It looks like somethin' straight out of the X-Files... no crap.

(pun intended). (Forgive me Lord).