


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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A guy walked into the local welfare office
To pick up his check.
He marched straight up to the counter
And said, ' Hi. You know, I just HATE
Drawing welfare. I'd really rather have
a job.'
The social worker behind the counter
Said, ' Your timing is excellent. We just
Got a job opening from a very wealthy
Old man who wants a chauffeur and
Bodyguard for his beautiful daughter.
You'll have to drive around in his 2008
Mercedes CL, and he will supply all of
Your clothes. Because of the long hours
Meals will be provided. You'll also be
Expected to escort the daughter on her
Overseas holiday trips.
This is rather awkward to say but you
Will also have as part of your job
Assignment to satisfy her sexual urges
As the daughter is in her mid-20's and
Has a rather strong sex drive.
A two-bedroom loft type apartment
With plasma TV, stereo, bar, etc.
Located above the garage will be
Designated for your sole use and
The salary is $200,000 a year.'
The guy, just plain wide-eyed, said,
' You're bullshittin' me!'
The social worker said, ' Yeah, well,
You started it.'

I know that some people REALLY do need the welfares help... but I think ALOT just have a greedy fat hand too. (not to get all politcal like)


I know that some people REALLY do need the welfares help... but I think ALOT just have a greedy fat hand too. (not to get all politcal like)

I have seen it first hand, baby nikes, gold teeth and hoops, gaudy nail jobs and hair, and no babies daddy. :angry7:
I have seen it first hand, baby nikes, gold teeth and hoops, gaudy nail jobs and hair, and no babies daddy. :angry7:

and while they're dressed like that, the kid is in rags, begging for a candy bar while they're buying scratch-offs telling the kids they can't afford the candy bar...seen that, too.
Ahhh yes. I get to deal with it every month. CRAZY check day is what they call it. I call it, you're a fat lazy sack that needs to be shot and put out of my misery day. Oh how I love it when they chase me down and ask if they can get they check early cause "we be goin outa town". They aunties step sistas nieces cousins baby daddy got shot an he in the horspital and we gotsta go see him. I actually had one guy tell me the truth, he needed to get his drank on fo his ol lady knowed they check was herr.

These are for just ONE of my 11 neighborhoods. 302 checks every month on my route alone.
v8scamp & 65 dartman, you have my condolences for where you are employed. i to was an employee of the usps, a mailhandler in phoenix, my wife was also.
Been laid off since December. But because I took care of us, paid off the house, put money in the bank for retirement- my money put in only goes to parasites. I can't get any of my money when I need it. Our society got wrong, starting in the '60's.
You picked the perfect day for it here in BC they line up and get their checks on the last Wednesday of the month - today ,it's 20 minute millionaire day back east in one Ontario city I overheard the local rock stars talking in the coffee shop about exactly how much money was going to be on the street and how they were going to get x amount of it by working together they new how many cheques where being handed out that month and how much was going directly to the landlords and how much would be left for them to collect from the parasites they even shut down all the local weed dealers so the only thing out there that week would be crack thats what I work 40+ a week and pay 2k a month in taxes for so they can blow it all on dope:munky2: