What are you getting with your tax return?

Dude. Are you a student living at home? If not she CANNOT claim you. As for me, so far I've bought a 65 inch tv,started putting a new roof on the rental house,then PARTS!
mopar_1974 said:
oh no.....i started this thread after a night of online filing and and a mind-full of what i wanted to buy for the duster. however, i just recieved a call from my mother today saying that she claimed me as a dependant, yet i claimed myself. 20 years old and 2 years alone i think i would be independant. yet, if i do have to go back to being a dependant of hers...my $1500 cash back turns into being a $103 bill to the govt....i'm so incredibly pissed right now....bye bye suspension...welcome more college debt

If you paid taxes your not a dependent. If your Mom did claim you she owes the Goverment $103 not you.
dgc333 said:
The government is not buying you anything. You are giving the government a 3-4 grand interest free loan.

You would be ahead of the game if you adjusted your withholding to make your return a wash and put $75/week in some sort of investment.

I would rather have the money back at the end of the year then a little bit here and there. Its nice to have the extra come in right when I need it.
dgc333 said:
The government is not buying you anything. You are giving the government a 3-4 grand interest free loan.

You would be ahead of the game if you adjusted your withholding to make your return a wash and put $75/week in some sort of investment.
You are correct sir.I've been saying that for years.I work for myself so i pay in every year.
AdamR said:
I would rather have the money back at the end of the year then a little bit here and there. Its nice to have the extra come in right when I need it.

If you just redirect the over payment you are making every week to the IRS to a savings account or some other fund you will wind up with the money at the same time plus you will have earned some interest and you will not have let the government spend it all during the year without paying you interest.
71valiant said:
Dude. Are you a student living at home? If not she CANNOT claim you. As for me, so far I've bought a 65 inch tv,started putting a new roof on the rental house,then PARTS!

yeah, i live nearly 4 hours away from her, full time student and work 32+ hours a week to pay for my own rent and groceries etc. i am recieving help on my car insurance and half of my tuition as long as i keep my grades up, which i really appreciate. but other than that i am on my own. i just really don't want to start more **** with the 'rents ya know? :blah5:
dgc333 said:
If you just redirect the over payment you are making every week to the IRS to a savings account or some other fund you will wind up with the money at the same time plus you will have earned some interest and you will not have let the government spend it all during the year without paying you interest.

thats nice and easy to say and all, i've tried it. its just easier to have the govt. force it away from me. saving money never works for me
mopar_1974 said:
yeah, i live nearly 4 hours away from her, full time student and work 32+ hours a week to pay for my own rent and groceries etc. i am recieving help on my car insurance and half of my tuition as long as i keep my grades up, which i really appreciate. but other than that i am on my own. i just really don't want to start more **** with the 'rents ya know? :blah5:

You need to look into that. Your getting screwed. Are you on her health insurance?